Camera Not Found Error

Discussion in 'Legacy Models - Community Support' started by letteri, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. letteri

    letteri Standard User

    Aug 2, 2015
    I am having an intermittent problem with my STT-8300M throwing an error of the form "Camera Not Found" when I try to connect. This is happening in TheSkyX Pro, Maxim DL 6, and CCDops 5.

    Usually I can get it to connect after power-cycling the camera and rebooting the computer, but I have to do both and it can take several tries to make the connection.

    I am running Windows 8.1 and connecting through the USB port on my Paramount MX, but the error also occurs when I am directly connected to the computer.

    In each case when the camera fails to connect, the Windows Device Manager always shows that the system recognises that a SBIG camera is connected, as in the attached screen grab.

    I have also attached the error messages I receive from TheSkyX Pro, Maxim DL 6, and CCDOps 5.


    Attached Files:

  2. artem

    artem Guest

    Hi Joe,

    I had the same problem "see my thread"
    and though I ALSO did not get any answers, I did try all possible.. by checking the usb cable, changing the USB port, by uninstalling the SBIG driver checker and installing the newest version directly from SBIG.. and SUDDENLY.. ( I still did not find any explanation ) the CAMERA was recognized again and since then no new issues..
    I have never had such issues with my STAR LIGHT XPRESS CCD (NEVER) only with my SBIG CCD ( both ST8300m and ST10XME were effected on same day and BOTH & suddenly did start to be recognized after few days, by my desperately actions and workarounds..

    Wish you a good luck to find how you can get your CCD get to be recognized again..

  3. letteri

    letteri Standard User

    Aug 2, 2015

    Thanks for that. I had already tried all of those things, but since it worked for you I decided to try again, and I think I solved the problem.

    The last time I tried swapping cables, I was under the assumption that all USB cables are created equal. But I did a little research and found out that the shielding spec for USB cables is pretty minimal. I also found out that there are double shielded USB cables available. So I got one and tried it, and so far the problem has not returned.

    The cable in question was not the one going directly into the camera, but rather the one running between an Icron USB extender hub and my Paramount MX control input, which is probably why I missed it the last time around.

    I am not sure what changed there, but going with a double shielded USB cable seems to have fixed the problem.

  4. artem

    artem Guest

    Hi Joe,

    Happy to read your feedback..

    Best wishes from Vienna

  5. letteri

    letteri Standard User

    Aug 2, 2015
    Unfortunately I spoke too soon. The problem seems to be persisting, to the point where the camera won't connect at all after trying about a dozen times.

    I notice that if I power the camera off and try to connect in CCDOps it tells me immediately that it can't find the camera. But with the camera turned on it seems to try for about 30 seconds before it decides that it can't find the camera. It seems like a driver problem, especially as I mentioned before that Windows recognises the camera in the Device Manager.

    Any ideas?

  6. artem

    artem Guest

    I wish if I could help you, I also have same problem with my ST8300M 3-4 days ago did try to connect to my LAPTOP with same USB CABLE and SAME LAPTOP and WIN7 recognized the CCD but not MAXIM DL and also not CCD OPS, ( did not try with 10XME yet) and did use my OLD STARLIGHT XPRESS SXV-M25C, and I did decide, not to use this 2 CCD's anymore.. but to buy a new one.. from ATIK..

    We have here few CLEAR NIGHTS / SKY days, so I do not want to risk not to be able to use the SBIG CCD due to connection issues which take place without any REASONABLE REASON.. TODAY THEY ARE RECOGNIZED next week NOT ! and so on, and my SXV M25C is already OLD.. and it is time to get a GOOD & RELIABLE CCD from ATIK !!

    Bye and good luck

  7. letteri

    letteri Standard User

    Aug 2, 2015
    I got the camera working again by uninstalling and reinstalling all the drivers. So far it seems to be stable.

    I also captured 2 logs, one each from a successful and unsuccessful connection. I have attached them in case they are of any help in debugging this issue.


    Attached Files:

  8. letteri

    letteri Standard User

    Aug 2, 2015
    Unfortunately this problem is still persisting. One thing that I have noticed is that if I do manage to get a connection to the camera, then as long as I don't power cycle the camera or computer I am able to connect and reconnect with no problem. But if I have to do anything like reboot the computer then I am back to trial and error to see if I can get a connection again.

    Another point to note is that while I am having all this difficulty with my STT-8300, I can connect and reconnect my ST-i with no problems whatsoever.

    And to reiterate, this is happening both with a direct connection from camera to computer as well as through the USB hub on my Paramount MX.

    Drivers are up to date as shown on the attached image.

    Any ideas?


    Attached Files:

  9. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    One somewhat obscure thing that can cause communications problems is momentary power cutouts. That can happen sometimes if the prongs inside the power connector on the camera have been squished together.

    If that has happened to your camera, gently separate the prongs with the tip of a pocket knife or similar tool - just enough to ensure good contact when the connector is plugged in.
  10. letteri

    letteri Standard User

    Aug 2, 2015
    Thanks Doug, but there doesn't seem to be a problem there. I tried bending the pins slightly anyway but it doesn't fix the problem.

    Does this sound like something that is specific to my camera? In other words, should I be thinking about sending it in for a service check?
  11. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    It's definitely not normal, but I would first double check that all drivers, firmware, etc are up to date. Try using a different USB port on the computer. Try changing to a different USB cable. If using a hub try removing it. If none of that helps then it may have to come in for a checkup.
  12. artem

    artem Guest

    I also have same problem with my ST8300M CCD, no matter what I do.. it is just not recognized by Windows.. with my ST10Xme ! sometimes it is recognized and then not..
    and Doug, since you mention "If none of that helps then it may have to come in for a checkup."

    That could be easy for someone from the US.. but not from outside the US (it is not impossible but also not that easy and not very cheap)

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2016
  13. Hermit

    Hermit Standard User

    Jul 2, 2016
    New user on this forum. I have an ST7 the original and have had this since they came out almost. Had to finally reinstall a HD on a computer and this beast uses the original RS232 cables not the new USB. The old XP SP3 finally went south and had to load Win 7 Pro. Try making this thing connect is an ongoing exercise in futility.

    Spoke with Tim a day or so ago and going to contact service to see what the issue is so I can finally get the old LX200 EMC Classic back up now that a friend in the High Desert is installing an observatory. Really great location very small light pollution situation/site. Eventually would like to getit up on a remote so I can use it while here at home (about 75 miles away).

    Where I live I would love to have levels under 7.5 ( usually much higher here) but not going to happen. He has levels in the low 4s on average so this is a no brainer. Anyway I am going to get this beast up and running again, automate it like I did in the last century and see what comes of it.

    Will update once I get everything functioning again. I think a small private location on the web can't hurt and if it gives someone else a chance to view when they are not able then it will be a bonus.

  14. Dan

    Dan Standard User

    Oct 11, 2014
  15. Dan

    Dan Standard User

    Oct 11, 2014
    Is there any resolution to " failure to connect" problem?

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