Staff Assigned: Adam Robichaud CCDAP Issue

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by Paul Haese, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. Paul Haese

    Paul Haese Cyanogen Customer

    Dec 26, 2014
    Thanks Doug, I have started a PM conversation with Adam.

    I was down at the observatory on the weekend and checked all the cables. I don't have it going through any hubs it is direct to the computer on the scope. This problem has only arisen since the update of the drivers and Maxim DL.

    Colin, I checked all the USB devices and all was as I had setup many months ago. Every USB has been turned off for power management. I don't run Windows update at all as a rule. It usually ends in disaster, not the guilty culprit this time around.

    Happy to hear any other suggestions. Should I upgrade again to the latest version of MaximDL? I have paid for it, I just don't think it will work at present.
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Correlation does not imply causation. This isn't something I'd expect from updating the software; quite the contrary.

    Also I'll point out that you downgraded and still had problems.

    I suspect something else happened around the time you upgraded.

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