Distinguishing Desiccant Plug from Dummy Desiccant Plug on ST4000XCM

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by Jerry K, May 2, 2017.

  1. Jerry K

    Jerry K Cyanogen Customer

    May 2, 2017
    I'm baking the desiccant plugs for my STL-11000M and ST4000XCM today and am wondering if perhaps I've confused the dummy plug with the real desiccant plug on the 4000.

    Are there reference photos somewhere that help one distinguish the real plug from the dummy plug? In particular photos that show the threaded "business end" of the plug that screws into the camera clearly enough that one can distinguish them?

    Before I put them in the oven I'd swear that the inside end of the 11000's plug looks a lot more like the thing that I thought was the dummy plug for the 4000, and that the thing that I believed to be the real desiccant plug has a front end very different from that on the 11000...
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Post pictures of the business end.
  3. Jerry K

    Jerry K Cyanogen Customer

    May 2, 2017
    Hi, Doug:

    Here are the plugs, business-end up.


    Here's a picture of the STL-11000's desiccant plug (the one with the white/hollow open business end) and the thing I took out of the ST4000XCM (the one with the black/solid plug end, no opening or indentation).

    Because they look so different, and because the 11000 doesn't come with a dummy plug, I'm suspecting that the black tipped thing pictured above is really the 4000's dummy plug, as the other plug I have with the 4000 has an open, indented, white end like the 11000 plug shown above.

    Am I correct in assuming that? In which case I just baked the dummy plug.
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Yes, the black tipped one looks like a dummy. The business end of a real plug is a sintered filter, which is porous.
  5. Jerry K

    Jerry K Cyanogen Customer

    May 2, 2017
    Hi, Doug:

    Thanks much for confirming---that's what I was suspecting...

    I'm kind of glad I baked both cameras' plugs at the same time, since had I not had them side by side I might not have noticed the mix-up otherwise. This explains an incident of icing that the 4000 manifested last summer since I can't see when anybody would have swapped the plugs in it.

    Thanks again.

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