FW8G-STT Autoguider Orientation

Discussion in 'Filter Wheels' started by letteri, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. letteri

    letteri Standard User

    Aug 2, 2015
    The image from my guide chip seems to be rotated 180 degrees from the main CCD.

    Attached is a screen grab of a FOVI that has been plate solved in TheSkyX Pro. At the bottom of the chart you can see the FOVI for the guide chip. And below that is an image taken with the autoguider. It appears to show that the image is rotated by 180 degrees from the main CCD.

    I have been running into issues with meridian flips and I am wondering if this could be the problem.

    Does this look correct? If not, is there a way to re-orient the image from the autoguider so that it matches the main CCD?

    If I do a plate solve on the autoguider image it will rotate the FOVI by 180 degrees, at which point the image from the main CCD will be rotated. If it helps I can include that image as well.


  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    It shouldn't matter because autoguider calibration will automatically take into account chip rotation.

    There may be a rotate function in your control software, if you really want to flip it (there is in MaxIm DL but I'm not that familiar with TheSky X).

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