M33 on new Canon Camera

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by Brian Atteridge, Oct 20, 2019.

  1. Brian Atteridge

    Brian Atteridge Cyanogen Customer

    Jan 23, 2017
    Lewisville, TX
    Took this shot on 10/19/19 with a camera i bought recently and modified for Astrophotography. Here is my setup:

    Canon EOS 60D (IR modified)
    Orion SkyGLow Filter (2")
    Meade F/6.3 focal Reducer (apparently one of the F/4 ones according to Astrometry.net all sky solve)
    Meade LX-90 classic 8" OTA
    Orion Sirius EQ-G Tripod
    Orion StarShoot Autoguider and 50mm finder style guide scope
    Maxim DL 6.2 and Photoshop CS3

    A total of 16 full color images were taken at a setting of 120 Seconds and ISO 1000 with corresponding darks and bias. Unfortunately i was unable to get a good set of flats due to the weather effects on my setup. There is also a lot of noise in the image since i only had time for he 16 shots but i will revisit this object later to get more to add to it. Photos were captured with MaximDL and edited first in MaximDL and then photoshop.

    Attached Files:

    • M33.jpg
      File size:
      6.7 MB
    SMGMSU likes this.
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Brian -
    You can see this has potential. Thanks for sharing.
    I have this same camera, and it is somewhat noisy, although the colour response is decent in the deep reds.
    Did you do in-camera long exposure dark correction? That's one option. Another option is to make yourself a master dark at the ISO, exposure length, and same outdoor temperature.
    Also, if you are using the battery in the camera, either switch to an external power pack, OR use a external battery grip. The batteries gets hot in the camera body, and that adds to the noise.
    Try shooting at ISO 800. I recall mine gets much worse any faster.
    You may be able to use MaxIm to clean up the noise and adjust the color balance a bit.
  3. Brian Atteridge

    Brian Atteridge Cyanogen Customer

    Jan 23, 2017
    Lewisville, TX
    Hey Colin,

    No, i did a manual dark subtraction/calibration using multiple dark files taken at the same time as the individual images rather than use the long exposure dark correction. I find it does a better job eliminating noise this way. In this case there simply weren't enough dark and light frames at the right temps to eliminate enough noise from the image. I also find the long exposure correction setting on the camera, on occasion, causes MaximDL to error out and disconnect the camera so i don't use it. I think it may time out waiting for the dark frame to capture if it is too long an exposure.

    I use an external A/C power adapter instead of the batteries as this tends to last longer, the camera tends to go through the battery too fast otherwise. I decided to try ISO 1000 instead of the smaller values to see how much detail i can get. There is a lot of light pollution around my house and the skyglow filter can only eliminate so much of it. However i wanted to see how well the image will turn out at that setting. I did find that any settings above this had progressively way too much glow to make out any details. I might go with the ISO 800 next time and see how it does. I did use Maxim to try to clean up a bit of the noise but usually use Photoshop as i am more familiar with the process there.

    Either way i know that the more images i add the less noise i will see since it will start to smooth out the noise and bring the details out quite a bit better. I saw that happen with an Dumbbell Nebula image i have been developing over multiple nights. I added it here so you can see the difference. M27-1.jpg is the earlier version that i also added to more recent images. M27.jpg is the current result. As you can see, much less noise showed up after summing all the individual results together. I am hoping that doing the same with M33 will yeild similar results and also increase the detail. I wonder though, can you do a 2x2 Binned image in color and then do a light image and combine them to increase this? or should you Bin RGB separately? Food for thought, might try it too and see what happens.

    Attached Files:

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