Position of guide CCD relative to imaging CCD with STT1603 & FW8G-STT

Discussion in 'Legacy Models - Community Support' started by Phil Evans, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. Phil Evans

    Phil Evans Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Rarotonga, Cook Islands
    I'm practicing with ACP and Starry Night 6 for use in a new remote observatory that will have an STT1603ME and FW8G-STT. I'd like to be able to see the FOV of the guider in Starry Night but I need to know where it is in relation to the main imaging CCD. Can you help?
    Phil Evans
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    The position is not constant because the filter wheel pickoff mirror is adjustable.

    My suggestion is that you use PinPoint and the graphical overlay feature of the Observatory Control Zoom window. First use PinPoint on the main chip and use that to accurately sync the telescope. Then take an exposure on the guide chip and use PinPoint on that, then use the Zoom window overlay feature - the guide chip image will appear overlaid on the sky. Then adjust the FOV indicator until things match up. Then take whatever number you end up with in the FOV setup and transfer that over to Starry Night.

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