SBIG Users needing Intro to Diffraction Ltd mode of Tech Support

Discussion in 'Forum and Web Site Issues' started by s3igell, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. s3igell

    s3igell Standard User

    Oct 11, 2014
    Congratulations on the Purchase / Merger. It sounds like a very good Fit for both Diffraction Ltd and SBIG. There seem to be quite a number of Synergies and points of Common Interest that can be leveraged to elevate both SBIG Hardware and Cyanogen/MaximDL.

    For those of us familiar with SBIG's previous iterations of Technical Support, can a representative of Diffraction Ltd post a basic Overview of the existing Cyanogen Tech Support Philosophy and Implementation ??
    While it would be nice to know immediately how the Purchase will affect the Tech Support of SBIG Users, that is probably somewhat premature as the Merger of the separate Tech Support Teams is probably only just beginning. However, it would be good to know more about the Diffraction Ltd approach.
    As an example: We are used to a rather Open, almost Conversational, approach to Support. Here, in the new Forum, the Cyanogen Tech Support is "Restricted" to Registered Software License-holders. That restriction is rather unfamiliar to those of us who haven't yet pursued Support for a Cyanogen Product.
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    We've actually decided to take a new approach for software and hardware support - these forums are brand-new, which is why they're not very full yet. This new approach is very open - everyone will see the open issues as we are working them.

    The hardware support sections are wide open. If you have an issue, post a new thread in the appropriate section. Our staff will follow up in that thread.

    We do unfortunately have to maintain an access restriction for the software sections. This is necessary because of the unfortunate reality of software piracy. It's bad enough having your property stolen; it's even worse when they come to you for technical support on what they stole. (Yes, seriously, that does happen. Some people have a lot of gall.) If you need access, just fill out the form. If it matches our database you will be approved. (Normally this takes just a few minutes, but I'm having to manually set forum access this weekend due to a temporary technical issue. We upgraded our firewall on Friday and it's blocking something.) If you don't get approved for some reason, drop us a line in the general section and we'll look into it.

    Right now our company is obviously in the middle of a big transition, but rest assured everyone at Diffraction and SBIG are pitching in to support our customers.
  3. jerryyyyy

    jerryyyyy Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Stanford, California
    Would be nice if you could integrate your user base. Possibly also the customers of CCDComander. I am here, SBIG on Yahoo, Maxim on Yahoo and who knows where else.
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    What do you mean by "integrate your user base"?

    Also the temporary problem with auto-approval has been fixed. If your serial number and email match our records then you should have access within a matter of minutes.

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