ST-8 Bias Level

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by Eagle, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Eagle

    Eagle Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your response! "My" problem seemed to be the "Asynchronous USB IO" box not being checked in the "Configure Driver" part. I just updated to the newest driver again, now with the box checked - the camera connected fine.
    Different question (shall I open a different thread?): I was told that a bias frame should have a value of around 100, but I am getting about 900 on the ST-8. Can that value change with a different/newer driver?

  2. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    I'm not personally familiar with the correct Bias frame level for ST-8 cameras, maybe @Doug can comment. I know the typical pedestal for our newer cameras is 1000 ADU ± Read Noise. We haven't made any driver changes that should affect the bias level for that camera.
  3. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    In fact, SBIG cameras have always produced a bias level around 1000 ADU. However, there is a feature in the driver to bring that down to 100 ADU.

    We now default that option OFF, because it is known to cause issues with some application software.

    If you turn the option back on, you will get your 100 ADU level back. There is no reason to do this - it doesn't make anything work better.
  4. Eagle

    Eagle Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Hi Doug,

    Thanks for explaining. I hope you are aware of that when you change the driver settings/default values as you described (from ON to OFF) that all calibrations need to be rerun?
    Can you explain a little more about the "issues with some application software"? I would like to switch the bias option back to ON to avoid recalibrations, but if there are serious application problems I would have to do that.
  5. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Yes you would have to redo calibration frames if you change that setting.

    The "issue" I referred to goes many back years, and has always been something of a mystery. Sometimes the autoguider chip would produce 0 output for no apparent reason. Turning off the bias adjust feature would clear the problem. This only affects a small number of users, so if you don't experience the problem then go for it.

    (We haven't investigated this at Diffraction Limited mainly because we can't replicate the problem. Also we now default the bias adjust feature off, as it is unnecessary.)

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