STF-8300 Connection Issues

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by Christopher Duffey, Nov 20, 2016.

  1. Christopher Duffey

    Christopher Duffey Standard User

    Sep 16, 2016
    I have an STF-8300M and am also having issues with connecting to the camera and when I can get it to connect it will only take about 3 images before locking up, at which time I have to turn everything off and unplug the USB interfaces, I just updated to the new driver today (20 Nov 2016) - no issues earlier in the week taking 60 or so images at a time sbigudrv.dll 4.96 Build 3 10-10-16
  2. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    I am not clear if you are still experiencing issues after updating the drivers. Is it working now?

    Are you using a USB hub? Do issues occur if you connect directly to the computer instead?

    Have you tried a different computer to see if it is localized to that system?
  3. Christopher Duffey

    Christopher Duffey Standard User

    Sep 16, 2016
    Some more information, I did some troubleshooting to try and isolate the problem. I configured CCDOps to gather focus frames from my STF-8300M using 60 second exposures, and a second instance of CCDOps running my ST-i guider also running focus frames with 0.1 second exposure - this configuration ran for 8 hours straight with no issues, based on this I don't think there is a problem with my USB interfaces. I configured SGP to gather 20 dark frames with 60 sec, 20 with 120 sec, and 20 with 300 sec exposures. SGP would hang on the download after some amount of frames ranging from 3 frames to as many as 24 frames, when it was hung up the temperature data from the camera would stop updating - on one run the file downloaded BUT the temperature field in the file name was NA, the files on either side of it had temperature values, I've NEVER seen this before. Prior to the update of the driver I have run SGP for 9 hour stretches with no issues night after night. I also tested another software application called SBIGControl, it also hangs on download after capturing some random number of images. I am not exactly sure why CCDOps works, maybe it uses different software methods to access the driver ? I am going to post this issue to Main Sequences SGP forum as well.
    upload_2016-11-21_19-40-52.png upload_2016-11-21_19-41-50.png
  4. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Do you happen to know what driver version you had before the update?

    Can you enable the "Debug Log" in SBIGDriverChecker64 and try to capture the error in a log by reproducing the issue?

    On the Debug Log window, click the "ALL" checkbox and then set a Path and filename for the log file. Once this is done, reproduce the issue and send us the resulting log file.
  5. Christopher Duffey

    Christopher Duffey Standard User

    Sep 16, 2016
    I had the latest firmware and drivers before the update, so the previous version. I'm on travel but will attempt to capture in the log next opportunity. However my experience with the logging is that really slows things down, not sure it would show up,
  6. Christopher Duffey

    Christopher Duffey Standard User

    Sep 16, 2016
    I captured a log file where the error reproduced itself - here is a a small sample of that file, these errors are consistent in the entire file for each image capture until it just finally never comes back

    At t = 4175.421: CC_START_EXPOSURE2 : begin ----> GRAB START
    At t = 4175.424: StartExposure Params : ccd=0, exposureTime=12000, shutter=Close
    At t = 4175.427: StartExposure Flags : 0x00000000: triggerIn=0, triggerOut=0, lightClear=0, msExp=0, fastReadout=0, dualChannelMode=0
    At t = 4175.430: MicroCommand : MC_STATUS
    At t = 4175.433: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 6/6, -> MC = MC_STATUS
    At t = 4175.436: data : A5, 93, 50, 05, 0A, 12
    At t = 4175.439: MicroCommand : MC_MISC_CONTROL
    At t = 4175.442: MC_MISC_CONTROL Flags : 0x18: ExtShutter=Leave, Fan=Enabled, LED=Blink Low, Shutter=Leave
    At t = 4175.444: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 2/2 -> ACK
    At t = 4175.447: data : 06, 00
    At t = 4175.450: MicroCommand : MC_SYSTEM_TEST
    At t = 4175.453: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 2/2 -> ACK
    At t = 4175.456: data : 06, 00
    At t = 4175.458: MicroCommand : MC_READOUT -> RS subcommand: RS_DUMP_FIFO
    At t = 4175.461: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 2/2 -> ACK
    At t = 4175.464: data : 06, 00
    At t = 4175.602: AsyncRead : Error: 258, ret = -1, Totals : dwSize/dwBytesRd = 8192/0, Short=8192
    At t = 4175.605: ReadComPipe wr error : 0x00000102 - The wait operation timed out.

    At t = 4175.641: AsyncRead : Error: -536805376, ret = -1, Totals : dwSize/dwBytesRd = 8192/0, Short=8192
    At t = 4175.644: ReadComPipe wr error : 0xe0010000 -
    At t = 4175.647: USBIDRIVER_FlushPipes : PixelLeft, PixelRight, Com In.
    At t = 4175.653: MicroCommand : MC_READOUT -> RS subcommand: RS_WRITE_AD
    At t = 4175.656: Params: reg = 32, data = 53
    At t = 4175.658: -------------------------
    At t = 4175.661: AsyncWrite : Error: Unknown OS Error, Ask/Written=5/-1, Short=6.
    At t = 4175.664: WriteComPipe wr error : 0xe0010000 -
    At t = 4175.666: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 2/2 -> ACK
    At t = 4175.669: data : 06, 00
    At t = 4175.672: MicroCommand : MC_READOUT -> RS subcommand: RS_DL_SETUP3
    At t = 4175.675: ccd = 0, HB = 1, VB = 1
    At t = 4175.678: top = 31, height = 2532, bottom = 11
    At t = 4175.681: left = 28, width = 3352, right = 63
    At t = 4175.684: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 2/2 -> ACK
    At t = 4175.688: data : 06, 00
    At t = 4175.691: STFDownloadReadoutParams->STF-8300->RSP3:
    At t = 4175.694: ccd = 0, horzBin = 1, vertBin = 1
    At t = 4175.697: top = 31, height = 2532, bottom = 11
    At t = 4175.699: left = 28, width = 3352, right = 63
    At t = 4175.702: MicroCommand : MC_READOUT -> RS subcommand: No Error
    At t = 4175.705: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 2/2 -> ACK
    At t = 4175.708: data : 06, 00
    At t = 4175.710: MicroCommand : MC_READOUT -> RS subcommand: No Error
    At t = 4175.713: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 2/2 -> ACK
    At t = 4175.716: data : 06, 00
    At t = 4175.719: MicroCommand : MC_START_EXPOSURE, exposureTime=11999
    At t = 4175.722: MC_START_EXPOSURE Flags : 0x08: msExp=0, extCCD=0, triggerOut=0, ccd=0, shutter=Opening, ABG=Off
    At t = 4175.824: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 2/2 -> ACK
    At t = 4175.827: data : 06, 00
    At t = 4175.829: MicroCommand : MC_STATUS
    At t = 4175.832: ReadComPipe : Ask/Got = 6/6, -> MC = MC_STATUS
    At t = 4175.835: data : A5, 93, 92, 05, 0A, 12
    At t = 4175.838: CC_START_EXPOSURE2 : end, err = 00 - No Error

    Log file created : Wed Nov 30 03:33:27 2016

    Computer : ORION
    Processor type : 586
    Number of processors : 8
    Operating system : Microsoft (build 9200), 64-bit
    System directory : C:\WINDOWS\system32
    Windows directory : C:\WINDOWS
    User : dolphinzilla
    Driver Name Version Date Current
    sbigudrv.dll 4.96 Build 3 10-10-16 Yes
    sbigu64.sys 01-27-15 Yes
    sbigpcam.hex 2.46 01-27-15 Yes
    sbiglcam.hex 2.20 01-27-15 Yes
    sbigfcam.hex 2.25 01-27-15 Yes
    sbigfga.bin 2004.11.10 01-27-15 Yes
  7. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Our developers are suggesting OS timeout errors are may still be USB related. They suggest bypass the hub and try a different cable.

    Can you try another software package such as our MaxIm DL demo to see if it is a third-party plugin issue? You can download a 30-day demo from here:
  8. Christopher Duffey

    Christopher Duffey Standard User

    Sep 16, 2016
    OK, I bypassed the hub and put in two different short USB cables and I ran the camera with CCDOps - all errors exactly the same, the log capture below is when running CCDOps, directly connected:
    My laptop is a Lenovo Y50-70 running Windows 10 with all up to date drivers - like I said - before driver update, zero problems, system was super reliable and ran for many hours with no hangs ever

    At t = 0.000: =========================
    At t = 0.001: Application Path Name : C:\Program Files (x86)\SBIG\CCDOps5\Ccdops.exe
    At t = 0.003: =========================
    At t = 0.004: CC_OPEN_DRIVER : err = 00 - No Error
    At t = 0.007: =========================
    At t = 0.009: CC_CLOSE_DEVICE : begin
    At t = 0.011: CC_CLOSE_DEVICE : end, err = 28 - Device not Open
    At t = 0.014: =========================
    At t = 0.016: CC_QUERY_USB2 : begin
    At t = 0.018: CC_QUERY_USB2 : driver supports up to 8 cameras.
    At t = 0.022: =========================
    At t = 0.024: CC_OPEN_DEVICE : begin
    At t = 0.027: -------------------------
    At t = 0.029: OpenUSBIDriver : CreateFile : \\?\usb#vid_0d97&pid_0102#5&88a806&0&2#{e316676b-7084-4473-a297-4baabc2542aa}, result: handle = 0x3C4
    At t = 0.032: OpenUSBIDriver : DeviceIoControl : 0x3C4, IOCTL_USBIO_GET_DESCRIPTOR, result: No Error.
    At t = 0.034: OpenUSBIDriver : STF8 camera found.
    At t = 0.037: OpenUSBIDriver : CloseHandle : 0x3C4
    At t = 0.040: OpenUSBIDriver : Open Com Out Pipe : \\?\usb#vid_0d97&pid_0102#5&88a806&0&2#{e316676b-7084-4473-a297-4baabc2542aa}, result: handle = 0x3D0
    At t = 0.042: OpenUSBIDriver : Open Com In Pipe : \\?\usb#vid_0d97&pid_0102#5&88a806&0&2#{e316676b-7084-4473-a297-4baabc2542aa}, result: handle = 0x3C8
    At t = 0.045: OpenUSBIDriver : Open LPix In Pipe : \\?\usb#vid_0d97&pid_0102#5&88a806&0&2#{e316676b-7084-4473-a297-4baabc2542aa}, result: handle = 0x3D8
    At t = 0.047: OpenUSBIDriver : Open RPix In Pipe : \\?\usb#vid_0d97&pid_0102#5&88a806&0&2#{e316676b-7084-4473-a297-4baabc2542aa}, result: handle = 0x3D4
    At t = 0.050: OpenUSBIDriver : DeviceIoControl : 0x3C8, IOCTL_USBIO_GET_DEVICE_PARAMETERS, result: No Error.
    At t = 0.052: OpenUSBIDriver : DeviceIoControl : 0x3C8, IOCTL_USBIO_SET_DEVICE_PARAMETERS, result: No Error.
    At t = 0.056: OpenUSBIDriver : Configure device : 0x3D0, IOCTL_USBIO_SET_CONFIGURATION, result: No Error.
    At t = 0.059: OpenUSBIDriver : Configure device : 0x3C8, IOCTL_USBIO_SET_CONFIGURATION, result: Device already configured.
    At t = 0.061: OpenUSBIDriver : Configure device : 0x3D8, IOCTL_USBIO_SET_CONFIGURATION, result: Device already configured.
    At t = 0.064: OpenUSBIDriver : Configure device : 0x3D4, IOCTL_USBIO_SET_CONFIGURATION, result: Device already configured.
    At t = 0.067: OpenUSBIDriver : Bind Com Out Pipe : 0x3D0, IOCTL_USBIO_BIND_PIPE, result: No Error.
    At t = 0.069: OpenUSBIDriver : Bind Com In Pipe : 0x3C8, IOCTL_USBIO_BIND_PIPE, result: No Error.
    At t = 0.072: OpenUSBIDriver : Bind LPix In Pipe : 0x3D8, IOCTL_USBIO_BIND_PIPE, result: No Error.
    At t = 0.074: OpenUSBIDriver : Bind RPix In Pipe : 0x3D4, IOCTL_USBIO_BIND_PIPE, result: No Error.
    At t = 0.078: CC_OPEN_DEVICE : end, err = 00 - No Error
    At t = 0.081: =========================
    At t = 0.084: CC_ESTABLISH_LINK : begin
    At t = 0.221: AsyncRead : Error: 258, ret = -1, Totals : dwSize/dwBytesRd = 8192/0, Short=8192
    At t = 0.224: ReadComPipe wr error : 0x00000102 - The wait operation timed out.

    At t = 0.260: AsyncRead : Error: -536805376, ret = -1, Totals : dwSize/dwBytesRd = 8192/0, Short=8192
    At t = 0.263: ReadComPipe wr error : 0xe0010000 -
    At t = 0.298: AsyncRead : Error: -536805376, ret = -1, Totals : dwSize/dwBytesRd = 64/0, Short=64
    At t = 0.301: ReadComPipe wr error : 0xe0010000 -
    At t = 0.303: USBIDRIVER_FlushPipes : PixelLeft, PixelRight, Com In.
    At t = 0.308: MicroCommand : MC_GET_VERSION
    At t = 0.312: -------------------------
    At t = 0.314: AsyncWrite : Error: Unknown OS Error, Ask/Written=2/-1, Short=3.
    At t = 0.317: WriteComPipe wr error : 0xe0010000 -
  9. Yves Laroche

    Yves Laroche Standard User

    Nov 15, 2016
    Hi Christopher,

    One solution could be in enabling Asynchronous USB IO within DriverChecker64 but not sure it will work with STF camera...just try to see if it works.

    Another solution is to try this workaround (via link) even if STF camera are not supposed to be concerned....and check if problem is still there.

    Keep in mind that connecting problem with ST cameras seems different from your STF camera but I suspect something that is related to the latest SBIGudrv.dll version.


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