Strange cooling problem with STT8300

Discussion in 'Legacy Models - Community Support' started by Greg Crawford, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. Greg Crawford

    Greg Crawford Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    My STT8300 has developed a strange cooling problem. It first appeared when I connected to the camera with MaxImDL. MaxImDL reported 100% cooling power over some minutes but did not cool the camera down from ambient temperature. I was getting frustrated because the camera had been returned for repair in 2016 for a cooler problem (open circuit I think it was). So my first thought was "Not again!"

    However, while swapping things in and out to try to identify the cause, I discovered that if I connected the camera first through the Camera Add On of TheSkyX, the camera began to cool normally. If I then swapped it back to MaxImDL, the cooling continued to work OK. I have tried this several times over a number of days and the same symptoms appear.

    I regularly use the SBIGDriveChecker64 (version 4.03 Build 1 64 bit) to check for, and if necessary, install updated drivers. The DriveChecker also tells me I have the latest firmware for the camera. Yet if the camera goes into cooling mode properly with one software and not the other, do I have a driver problem? Is there a way to fix this?
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Greg, I'm just another customer. Go get the latest version of the SBIG driver checker. It's 4.03 Build 5. (Although the help about says 4.03 build 4).
    Have you tested cooler operation with CCDOps ?
    Which version of MaxIm are you running? eg 6.17 ?
  3. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Yes make sure everything is up-to-date. But also, are you using a non-standard extension cable and/or power supply? If you do not have sufficient voltage then the camera will power down the cooler to protect it. This will tend to happen when the cooler is at 100% because that's when the current draw is greatest.
  4. Greg Crawford

    Greg Crawford Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Thanks for your suggestions. After persisting for some days, the problem seems to have resolved itself. However, I am none the wiser for its cause. I did/do in fact have an extension of the power cord, but not a very long one. I have changed to a regulated power supply able to supply 13.8 volts and up to 35 amps peak (25 amps 50% duty cycle). That's no doubt overkill regards the amps, but … am I pushing things too much with 13.8 volts? I see the manual gives a range of volts up to 14 volts, but I'd like to be sure I am on the safe side.
  5. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    As long as you don't exceed the 14V recommendation, higher is actually better.

    Not to worry, there's some safety factor on the 14V.

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