Hi there, recent error. I keep getting camera disconnected error. Camera is a aluma 694. MaximDL is 6.23 Any ideas what is the cause? What other information do you need.
No none of those items are a problem. Weird thing is this was working fine a few weeks back and now this has started happening.
Can you give us a MaxIm log? Should be a file like 20201201.log in somewhere like C:\Users\Paul\Documents\MaxIm DL 6\Settings\Log
I just discovered Microsoft has a new KB that fixes something they broke (not sure when) with USB hubs: https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/4586853/windows-10-update-kb4586853
Hi Colin and Doug, see attached logs. Couple of those show the error. I am not using Win 10 so those updates don't apply. Win 7 here.
I see the timeout erors like in 20201204.log 11:27:07*4 Started 300.000s 2750x2200 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (0, 0) 11:27:23$14 DLImaging: Retry 1/3 :: Failed to retrieve header 11:27:28$14 DLImaging: Retry 2/3 :: Promise timed out. Log 20201210.log has a disruption: 14:09:41$5 Guider Tracking Stopped 20:27:39*1 MaxIm DL Version 6.26 started on FITPC4 Did MaxIm crash? If so, launch Event Viewer, and have a look through the application log, for Application Error with a red (!). I've put a green arrow beside an example. We'll want the text with the faulting module listed. Copy/paste please. We'll discuss and see if we have some ideas on how to pursue tracking this down.
Colin, I wonder if this is a similar situation to mine. I am having trouble with my Maxim Dl and Aluma694. I have trouble getting Maxim DL to recognize the Aluma694, and don't always succeed. When the Aluma694 does come on, it tends to crash after something like 6 to 10 images in the most typical cases. One of the error messages that I have seen in a log is"Failed to retrieve header" An error message that appears on the Maxim screen is "no image requested." I think Adam is planning to help me.
Hi Roger, did you and Adam get a remote session scheduled? I think that is where it was waiting last week. It does seem somewhat similar.
Adam had one remote session with me. He had planned another but had to go into a meeting. I hope he will be able to help.
Adam and I just reviewed. We want to capture some camera debugging logs. To do this, we'll need you to turn on the debug logging as follows. MaxIm DL Pro Camera Control Window Camera 1 Setup Select the debug level - my screen shot shows OFF. Change that to Verbose+. Then connect to the camera, do some sample images, and then send us the MaxIm logs, and these Camera debug logs. MaxIm logs are usually somewhere like this: C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\Documents\MaxIm DL 6\Settings\Log Camera debug logs are usually somewhere like this: C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\AppData\Roaming\Diffraction Limited\dlapi\logs Thanks. These logs will slow down your machine a bit, so when we're done, we'll want to turn that debug level back to OFF.
Hello Colin and Adam, Many, many thanks for your help. Perhaps you need me to send files after imaging this evening? In case they are useful, here are some maxim and camera files that I just took from indoors. So there is no guiding. I will also try to image tonight and send more logs. I am noticing that there is only ONE log for Maxim DL, while there was one for each image with the Camera. Warmly, Roger
Hi All, I've been running a test on Roger's system for ~2 hours now with no timeouts/errors. Paul, if you can get me a log so I can verify if this is the same problem, I can get you a beta driver for testing if you're interested.
Oops, looks like you have already installed the beta driver for me. I have one other minor problem with Maxim DL. Should I worry about it? When I ask to set the image save path with autosave, Maxim DL gets all upset and the red box in the upper right hand corner goes temporarily from red to pink and then back to red once it has met my request.
Hi guys, my system has no problem recognizing the camera. I had this problem a year ago for the updates that occurred to MaximDL. This issue is intermittent and I wonder if this would be better done during an automated run? I think it will be clear tonight and I could try to capture the data then. Adam you could team viewer in to my site and see what is going on if you like. If you remember my site is in South Australia. +9.30 hours GMT.
Hi Paul, If you can PM me with your connection details, I'll log in ASAP and give you the beta drivers. -A
Sorry I missed you Adam. The system will most likely be running at 950pm our time and running until 4am our time. If there is cloud present I will leave the camera running so you can load beta drivers.