Hello, Q: what shall I do with this strange STF 8300 camera? Recently I have bought the used STF 8300 camera. When I connected camera, the connection is ok. Camera somehow is reacting to the light, but no reasonable star image can be retrieved. The all reading looks like the noise - see pict1 The serial number of this camera is PROTO/08 - see pict2 Q#1: What is this – a prototype for tests? Q#2: Can it be fixed? Q#3: How to fix this camera? Then you for you help, Best regards, Piotr
It appears to be one of a dozen prototype cameras that were built in September 2011. I don't know the history of it, but we do have test data showing it was working. Normally I wouldn't pass judgement on a camera without a valid FITS image, but the histogram on the screen stretch window shows there's some kind of hardware problem with the camera. If you wish to send it in for repairs, @Tim can provide RMA instructions. (He'll be back in the office on Tuesday.)
Thank you Doug, Yes please provide me with RMA. I am in Poland, so it would take ages to send it, but I am not in a harry. Best regards,
I can provide you with return instructions and an RMA number. In order to start this process, could you please submit the following RMA contact form? http://diffractionlimited.com/request-rma