Hi, In the past year, some dust has found it's way to directly onto the sensor. Unlike the usual diffuse dust motes on the sensor cover and filters, these appear in images as sharply outlined, and applying these flats to the science frames is not very effective. I have attached a lightly stretched flat frame, in which the offending matter is obviously apparent. Is there a way that I can clean the sensor directly? If not, I would like to have this done at the factory, and in that case, let me know how to proceed. Thanks. Tom Polakis
Not without putting your camera at risk. This is a procedure that is typically done in a clean-room to prevent contamination on the sensor, because as you can see, even the smallest of dust or debris on the sensor is clearly visible in images. We do have the facilities to do it here if you wish to send it in. If you would like to send it in for cleaning, please submit the following RMA contact form to begin the return process. Once I receive the submission, I can provide you with an RMA number and return instructions.: http://diffractionlimited.com/request-rma