Newly installed AFW12-50-R wheel is installed to STXL16200. Attached to wheel are new SC-4 autoguider and AO-X. Have not yet attached guider as still working on getting the filter wheel to move to all filter slots without returning error(6) when moving past the fifth filter wheel position. For some reason, I cannot access the server for the 64bit driverchecker updates, although the version and date are the same as in another STXL1600 on another system that has the latest update. Installed per manual instructions and used the cables that came with the system. Any suggestions for additional checks would be appreciated.
Hi Al, We're off until Monday. What software are you running that is giving this error (6)? In the driver checker, does it show sbigudrv.dll ? or something else?
Thanks for replying on your day off. The sbigudrv.dll is 5.1.10 I am trying to schedule a trip to the observatory tomorrow to take the cover off and see if there is anything physically preventing the move beyond filter slot 5. It does home to the slot 1 position and will move to any of the first 5 slots but does not move to positions 6-12. If i set it to another slot, say #12, (Using MaximDL 7) nothing happens and the wheel does not move. If I start a capture, I get the error(6). Hopefully I will have more info to digest by the time you are back. -Al
Thanks - I'll check with the guys when they get back on Monday. I'm wondering if maybe the camera thinks 5 slots is the max for some reason like maybe it is confused by the filter wheel identification.
Hi Al, I spoke to colleagues. The filter wheel uses tiny magnets for position detection. There is one at each filter slot, and 2 near the first slot to find the home position. The magnets are small, silver colored, and cylindrical. Can you inspect the carousel with a dental mirror and/or magnifier to see if they are all in position? We're wondering if one got knocked out of position in shipping.
Thanks Colin. I'm socked in by a Winter storm today and hope that by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest I'll be able to make the drive out to the observatory and check.
if you are able to remove the lid from the filter wheel, you will be able to see the tiny silver magnets beside each filter. If any are missing, it is probably best you send it in and we will fix it under warranty.
Colin, looks like weather driving conditions won't be good for me making the trek to the observatory until Wednesday. A couple of questions though, Since we have the STXL 16200, we will still rely on the 64driverchecker, and there is no need to bother with or try to use for the DLConfig utility, correct? We do have MaximDL 7 and will use that to get the camera, wheel, SC-4 and AO-X working. But most of our operators are unfamiliar with Maxim and use SkyX Pro. Do you know offhand if the AFW and SC-4 are supported in SkyX? The are not in the list of supported devices in SkyX. We have had no problems with the older setup using the STXL15200, FW8G and AOX in SkyX. -Al
The filter wheel is connected to and controlled by the STXL camera, which uses the legacy SBIG Universal Driver. DL Config uses the DL API drivers, for the SC-4 guider. I don't know exactly what to expect with TheSky X - this is a mix of legacy and modern hardware, so I think you're going to have to try it and see. Guessing the settings for TSX: Set the camera to SBIG STX Cameras Set the Filter wheel to SBIG - SBIG Auto CFW -- the SBIG camera controls it. Set the Autoguider to ASCOM, and select the ASCOM DL Imaging camera 2, and set it up. I vaguely recall there being a bug in TSX, so you may need to set it up in ASCOM Diagnostics so that it maps to the SC1300 in the list of cameras, and then just connect via TSX. AO-X - not sure. ASCOM does not support AO devices. Maybe you could connect STXL -> AO-X -> AFW, and then tell TSX it is an SBIG camera with AO. If it were MaxIm, the AO-X would be connected to the SC-4, and controlled by DL Imaging drivers. Does that help?
All of the magnets appear to be in place. Camera is on a 7 ft pier with power cable through the mount. Had to remove imaging system to open filter but have to put together again and re-attach to OTA for the power cable to reach. Anything else I should check before reassembling and reattaching?
Can you tell me the filter wheel settings in MaxIm DL? Do you have SBIG Universal selected as the filter wheel?
I'd suggest testing on the workbench with the filter wheel lid off to see what it is doing when (a) power on homing, and (b) when commanded to move.
Colin, I cant physically do that unless I take off the CDK14 OTA and undo the through the mount power cable. I'll have to take the imaging train home and try to work with it there. My power cable at home is also through the mount but a different mount that may let me extend the cable . The camera in Maxim is set to SBIG w/AO and the filter setup is SBIG AO+FW
In the camera setup window and Filter Wheel setup window in MaxIm DL, which driver version does it say you are using?
SBIG w/AO Driver Version 7.1.0 or if I use the Universal driver, SBIG Universal Version 7.1.0 Something else odd. At first it would Connect To: STXL16200. Later It would Connect To: USB and the STXL16299 option no longer appeared. Now, no matter which driver I select, I only get USB but the camera wont initialize and gives error 27. Device Manager shows the SBIG connected with no issues, but checking Firmware with driverchecker says camera not connected.
Make sure you haven't got multiple "consumer" programs trying to connect at the same time. You have to quit MaxIm before you can launch SBIG Driver Checker, and vice versa. Otherwise whichever one was opened first "owns" the connection to the camera.