Autoguider reccomendation?

Discussion in 'Legacy Models - Community Support' started by Meisters, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. Meisters

    Meisters Guest

    I am attempting to find the best replacement for my current SSAG guide camera. It has been giving me problems the last few months - I think the electronics have gone as it is impossible to get a clear picture.

    I would appreciate any recommendations for a new guide camera under US$1000. It would ideally have a shutter to get darks, a standard guiding output to connect directly to my CGEM-DX mount, and with better sensitivity than the SSAG. It should also be completely compatible with Maxim DL so that I can use the dither function. My guidescope is set in an old 4" F5 refractor mounted parallel to the main scope.

    I am running Maxim DL 6.09 on Windows 8.1; and my main camera is SBIG STF-8300M.

    Any thoughts and suggestions would be welcomed!
  2. Andrei Ioda

    Andrei Ioda Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 13, 2014
    I had been using SX Lodestar about one year before i bought SX Lodestar X2. Both work good.
  3. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    ST-I of course!
  4. Meisters

    Meisters Guest

    Thanks both for your replies. I considered both these cameras and then decided on a ZWO ASI174MM. I know that it is a bit overkill for guiding, but this way I can also do some planetary work as well as guiding.
  5. Rick Kuntz

    Rick Kuntz Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 7, 2015

    The STi is a great little camera and has a shutter (with USB line power attached to the USB hub). . It will also nicely fit into a OAG setup or into any eyepiece holder (attach parfocal rings makes it a cinch).

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