ST-i guider instead of ST-7

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by Shai Kaspi, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Shai Kaspi

    Shai Kaspi Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014

    We are using SBIG ST-7 CCD as a guider for our 1 meter telescope. The Telescope connector of the ST-7 is connected to 4 relays that operate in turn the guider motors of the telescope. Each of the pins with signal from the ST-7 is connected to one relay as can be seen in the attached PDF file.

    We are now in need to replace our ST-7 CCD with ST-i CCD that will serve as a guiding CCD for a new instrument. However, we could not figure out how to make the connections from the ST-i telescope jack to our relays.

    With the ST-7 we are using the +5V that is in the Telescope connector and the signal from the corresponding direction pin (see attached figure), but the ST-i does not have a +5V pin and any configuration that we tried to connect the ST-i
    pins to our relay did not work.

    How is it possible to operate our 4 simple 5V SP relays using the ST-i guider output?

    Thank you,

    Attached Files:

  2. Jan Soldan

    Jan Soldan Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Czech Republic
    please contact hardware guru of these cameras:
    Craig Herrin
    Email: craig AT sbig DOT com

    Best Regards,

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