My STF-8300M and the dreaded Camera Error 8 bug......

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by Chris Anderson, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. Chris Anderson

    Chris Anderson Cyanogen Customer

    May 27, 2016
    Lamasco, KY US
    Error 8 "bump"....
  2. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Could some folks provide the exact models of USB hubs that are being used? Perhaps we will try to obtain one to test.

    Can you confirm the error 8 only at 60 seconds exactly? Or does it vary at times?
  3. Chris Anderson

    Chris Anderson Cyanogen Customer

    May 27, 2016
    Lamasco, KY US
    What I'm using now...

    My issue manifests, as stated in above threads, when there is a star that saturates, even M-13, or if I aim the scope at a dome wall during the day and take a 200 second exposure. It is time related, but it's not the seconds that count but the saturation? But a 200+ second image with the scope covered produces no error. CG
  4. rpineau

    rpineau Standard User

    Oct 10, 2014
    USA / CA
  5. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Chris, sorry, sticking my nose in again, I run the same StarTech hub, with a different camera/PC, and a 12V supply. Any reason you are running 24V ? Have you checked how clean the output is from that one ? I see a VADJ pot, might be worth checking the voltage is clean and on-spec with an Oscilloscope, maybe dial it down. (Am naturally suspicious of <$10 power supplies). That said, I would expect this hub would work fine, so perhaps they can check it out.
    I've also had good success with DLink 7 Port USB2.0 hubs, powered by a RigRunner 4004USB +5 output. But again, different (older) SBIG camera and other vendor cameras.
  6. Chris Anderson

    Chris Anderson Cyanogen Customer

    May 27, 2016
    Lamasco, KY US
    Colin, stick your nose in anytime! Went with the 24v power supply (but dialed down to 22v) hoping maybe voltage was my nemesis. But even with the hub unplugged (and running on the USB power) I still have the same issue. So, I have no way of checking the cleanliness of the power supply, but don't doubt it's ability (based on reviews). However, the other hub did the same thing so I don't think that is the issue. I am, however, half inclined to buy what you have and see.... Tired of buying hubs! CG

    PS: My ST-iC runs fine on any of the hubs I've had, and it seems to be even more finicky on power requirements and cable lengths.
  7. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Ok, thanks for the info. Don't buy any more hubs ;-) Because in fairness, I'd have to buy more cameras ;-) Am sure SBIG would like that! Let's get them to investigate...
  8. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    One other thought Chris - have you used USBview to check out what devices are on what ports and buses ?
    For example, put all slow (Full speed) USB devices on the same bus, and the High Speed ones on the other bus.
    Often the 7 port hubs have a cascaded 4-port chip arrangement, so its best to put the slow devices on the outermost bus, and the faster ones all on the inner bus. (Clear as mud, right?). Not sure about the Startech though, I think its an 8 port chipset, not cascaded 4 ports.
  9. Chris Anderson

    Chris Anderson Cyanogen Customer

    May 27, 2016
    Lamasco, KY US
    I am so sick of dealing with this I bought a Icron RangerĀ® 2304 USB 2.0 Extender today to see if maybe i can get past this huge design flaw and use CAT6 cabling to span the distance between my camera and computer. We'll see, but I sure as Hell ain't holding my breath. Colin, I'll check into USB Review. CG
  10. Chris Anderson

    Chris Anderson Cyanogen Customer

    May 27, 2016
    Lamasco, KY US
    Some more testing today. Best news is I found what appears to be a solid work around for the error code 8 bug when using hubs!

    Using a second (older) Asus ePC notebook running Windows XP and MaximDL, I am still getting the error 8 code. No real indication length of exposure has anything to do with it, but at first longer ones definitely tossed the code. First 200s coded, but subsequent 1-9s did not. Ten seconds did. This is with scope aimed at blue sky.

    However, now it appears to be more random (than on my newer laptop). One shot, a 20s will code, but a 10s won't. Eleven seconds will, but then subsequent 20s, 30s, 60s shots work fine. Then several 200s download without a hitch, then BAM, one codes on the same exposure time. Just did a 35s and it coded, yet two more right after were fine.

    Interestingly, on the second (older) computer, the codes seem more random in nature and I cannot replicate the error every single time like I could on the newer WIN10 computer.

    Popping on the solar filter, I aim for the sun. Again, random code 8's and cannot duplicate. Sometimes a 1s image will code, then four of the same after that don't. A 10s won't, but then a 1s will. Then, immediately after an error, a second 1s downloads fine...

    Just swapped in an Icron Ethernet USB hub. More testing... But so far, multiple (over 20) exposures ranging from 1 to 600 seconds downloaded fine. Sun and blue sky; total saturation and even a few .01 second shots that were not. So, swapping out the USB hub for a four port Ethernet extender seems to be a work around. I'm only using a ten foot CAT5 cable, and will extend this to 150' soon, but at least it has gotten me away from the USB hub issue. I wanted this extender to do remote (comfort of the house) imaging, so it looks like it has served two purposes...

    Next test will be to try the newer WIN10 laptop again, but my MaximDL trial subscription expired this morning....D'oh!

    Still upset that this issue has plagued my STF-8300M, but now I see light at the end of the tunnel.....

    Aleh likes this.

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