
Discussion in 'Legacy Models - Community Support' started by Knud Kjellerup, Nov 28, 2014.

  1. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Dear Friends
    I have a STL11000 color camera in my observatory and have been using CCDOps for taking pictures.
    For some time I have not used the camera because I have been doing observations with oculars.
    I will start using the camera again and have been trying for some time, but I have not succeeded to take any pictures.
    I am in doubt if it is because of software problem or some thing has happened to the camera.
    I tried yesterday night to update the driver checker and I think I succeeded.
    When I check the camera under operation the fan is not running. I do not know if it need to do that or it only switch on when necessary for cooling.
    I sent you some screen shots from last night - maybe you have an idea, what the reason is or what is the best to do. You can see that the picture I get is a black screen.
    Best regards
    Knud Kjellerup

    Attached Files:

  2. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Can you send a screenshot of your SBIGDriverChecker64 window?

    Can you send us a copy of the actual image captured?
  3. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Dear Tim - thank you very much for your response.
    Here I sent some screenshots of The SBIGDriverChecker64.
    I am using Windows XP.

    The actual picture captured is just dark screen - it is taking only woth focus function - I will go in the observatory and take a picture with Grab and see if anything change from the black screen

    Attached Files:

  4. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Your SBIG drivers are out of date. Open the SBIGDriverChecker64 program and click "Download". Then when it is finished, click the "Update" button, and "Update Me".
  5. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi Tim. I followed the procedure to update the drivers and this time I succeded - I think. Last night was clear so I could take images, but I did not succeed. I tried Deneb that should give much light to the camera, but I got no pictures.
    I tried both focus and grab. The grab pictures gave some linepatterns, but no pictures. I can set the temperature and it decreases to the temperature I have chosen and I can use the functions in the camera, so the contact between the computer and camera seems to be ok.
    Knud Kjellerup

    Attached Files:

  6. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Ensure CCDOps is not connected, or any other software is connected to the camera before attempting to update the firmware.

    For clairity, it working previously, then stopped? Has anything changed in the hardware computer, cables, accessories? Are you connected to a USB hub? Try a different USB port and cable if you have one available.
  7. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Ok fine - I will do the update again without any connection to the camera.
    Yes I have used the camera about 7 to 8 months ago and I have taken fantastic pictures. But since then I have used eye pieces for observations, because I have had many visitors in the observatory.
    In the same period I have changed to use my backup computer for observations (the main computer stopped working) - so it is new since it was working well and it is also new that the usb connection is now connected to a hub instead of directly to the computer.
    It seems like a good idea to try a new usb cable directly from the camera to the usb in the computer. I will try that out.
    Thanks a lot
  8. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi Tim.
    I tried out last night with direct connections with a USB cable from computer to camera but my result is still the same - the pictures is just black screen.
    I sent you some screen shots from last night. It looks like I have connection to the camera, because I can get the temeperature function to work and the downloading of pictures go on when I start Focus.
    I wonder if I am missing a setting in the Driverchecker or in the camera setting.

    Attached Files:

  9. Jan Soldan

    Jan Soldan Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Czech Republic
    a couple question for you:
    1) Is your setup still: Windows XP + STL-11000 ?
    2) Did you _download_ and _run_ the CCDOPS version 5 and DriverChecker64 installers from the ?
    It need not be enough to just press "Download" and "Update" buttons on your current version of SBIGDriverChecker64.exe application, if this
    application is an older one. Please try to download and reinstall both of them.

    The good thing would be to try your camera on a different computer with a newer Windows version, say Win 7 or 8.

    Please let us know your results.

    Thank you,
  10. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi Jan
    Thank you very much for your respond.
    Yes the setup is still Windows XP + STL11000.
    Thank for your advice - I will download and run and try another computer sounds very good.
    Thanks a lot - I will respond when this is done

  11. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi Jan Now I come back to your for advice again. I have now bought a new computer - windows 7 and to night I had a very fine night sky, so I tried again to take pictures. I did not succeed.
    I have installed CCDOps version 5.57 and updated the driver checker, but the screen was black. I tried to take pictures of a very bright Betelgeuse.
    What do you think should be my next step ?
    Thank you
  12. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Hi Is there anyway how I can check the camera?
    1. I was thinking to place the camera on a chair in the observatory and then take a picture and look to see if something happen inside the camera opening - is there a shutter inside that has to open when I make exposure? Would that do any harm to the camera?
    2. The fan is not running - does that give any indications ? ( The temperature is decreasing very fine when I switch cooling on)
    3. Do you think I am missing a setting somewhere in CCDOps?
    4. I think there should not be anything wrong with the camera, because it has been in the very strong box I got it in and it has not been moved around all the time it was not used, so I still think I am missing to do something.
    5. But if I cannnot find out - Do you know , if there is a place in California, where I could bring the camera for a check up ?
    Thank you
  13. Jan Soldan

    Jan Soldan Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Czech Republic
    although I am not sure where the problem is, it seems to me, your driver is not properly installed on your system.
    If properly done, the STL camera should upload its firmware from your PC and fan should run. I have STL 6K3,
    but your one should work the same way.

    So, please look at
    if you did your installation properly and then, open your Device Manager and under USB devices, your camera should be visible
    as device "with firmware". If you see a message "without firmware", then something is bad with your installation.

  14. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Thank you very much fo hanging on with your advices. It gives direction.
    I have the same feeling that it must be the software - I will go it over again from the link you have sent.

    Thanks a lot
  15. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    On the SBIGDriverChecker64 try unchecking "Auto Bias Level Correction" on the "Config Drv" window.

    The fan not running seems odd. If you wanted to have it inspected, Bill, our repair guy is in Santa Barbara. You can contact him by email or phone:

    Bill Lynch: (805) 308-6979
  16. Knud Kjellerup

    Knud Kjellerup Standard User

    Nov 6, 2014
    Thank you for the advice - I will try out all the new and then I will contact Bill if I cannot solve it.

    Thank you very much.
  17. Jan Soldan

    Jan Soldan Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Czech Republic

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