ST10 problem

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by ken klein, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. ken klein

    ken klein Standard User

    Dec 24, 2014
    I was using my ST10 last night and after three hours of working fine, it could not download an image. It just stayed at 62 percent downloaded and could not advance beyond that point. Nothing else on the camera, such as temperature control, worked. I could not get it unstuck and finally had to disconnect the camera. I then could not connect it again and had to turn the camera off by just turning off the electricity. When I then tried to turn it on again last night I got an error message. Then, this morning, it turned on right away. This same problem has now occurred the last two times I used the camera. The camera is connected directly to the computer. Has anyone ever had a problem like this before? Any advice as to what is going on. Ken
  2. Jan Soldan

    Jan Soldan Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Czech Republic
    Could you please specify which application do you use to control your st-10 camera?
    Also, you could try to catch this freezing in a log file, just press the d e bug/log button in SbigDriverChecker64, select the ALL
    button and run your app. again. Put your log file to Dropbox and send me a link to it.
    ken klein likes this.
  3. ken klein

    ken klein Standard User

    Dec 24, 2014
    First, thanks for your reply. I use sky x to control my st10. I will try to follow your instructions and send you a link. I also have maxim 5 so if the problem is a sky x issue, which I sort of doubt, I could easily switch to maxim 5 or 6 if it would help. Happy holiday. Ken.
  4. ken klein

    ken klein Standard User

    Dec 24, 2014
    First, thanks for your reply. I use Sky X to control my st10. I will try to follow your instructions and send you a link. If the problem is a sky x problem which I sort of doubt, I could easily switch to maxim 5 or 6 if it would help. Happy holiday. Ken
  5. Jan Soldan

    Jan Soldan Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Czech Republic
    As you said, this shouldn't be appliction dependent, but I also do not believe this is a problem of SBIG driver.
    Maybe weather conditions, very low temperature ? This camera was always very robust without any problems
    with I/O communication.
  6. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Are you using a USB hub? Most hubs are designed for indoor use, and fail when temperatures get too cold.

    (Technical details: they use a cheap ceramic resonator instead of a crystal for their master oscillator. When the temperature drops so does the frequency, and when it gets too far off they stop working.)

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