AO-X SBIG STXL11002 8 postion self guiding filter wheel

Discussion in 'Guiding and Adaptive Optics - StarChaser and AO' started by Andy Blanchard, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. Andy Blanchard

    Andy Blanchard Standard User

    Nov 16, 2018
    Well I finally pulled the trigger and purchased the AO-X. First comment is you need a diagram in the instructions on how to attach the AO. Aside from that there is no documentation in the package, other than the cable some hardware (screws) a spacer and the AO itself. So between myself and my good friend Gary we managed to get it all together and on the scope.

    The installation is as follows:
    Scope NP101is, AO-X Filterwheel 8, and then the camera STXL11002. Focus is an issue so be sure to go on line and check the specs for your system, as discovering your beyond your limits in the dark is just too disappointing.

    Software installation on my system is through the Sky X, and they have a great resource on how to setup and calibrate the AO.

    I do have a technical issue, and I believe it may likely be the most recent driver update. Although I will defer to your expertise! When I connect to my cameras, my main sensor takes on the guider and the guider takes on the main sensor. The Technical support guys at software Bisque, have been very helpful and we have tried many different fixes, and we randomly get them to reverse back to the correct sensors, buts its not repeatable. When I come back the next day that sensors are crossed again. As well as the main camera wont fire until the guider has finished. Tom at software bisque, tells me that the previous driver did not have an issue. Here is what Tom wrote me last night! The firmware is 2.54 now but 2.51 has been working well on our STXL11002.

    So my question is three fold: 1. how do I roll back my driver, and 2 has then issue been report already? Third, when I do get the cameras temporarily set correctly the AO runs out of deflection and the guider looses the star. I found another user who reported the same problem, and the technical support guy had a smart ass response and there was no solution listed on this forum. Hopefully I can get a better result.

    I desperately need your advice and direction

    ps. All the settings are correct based on your instructions!!!! But I will be happy to review the main camera is set yo SBIG with AO, the guider is set to Imager’s Built-In Autoguider (external)

  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    The manual is on our web site, and in the memory stick that comes with your camera. Direct link:

    I can't really comment on third party software setup. If it's drifting too far and not "bumping" the mount then it's a software configuration problem.

    There's no reason for the software to swap the sensors like that. When the application software calls StartExposure the first parameter should be 0 for main sensor, and 1 for guide sensor. It's always been that way and it has never changed.

    If Software Bisque needs assistance in sorting this out they can contact us directly.
  3. Andy Blanchard

    Andy Blanchard Standard User

    Nov 16, 2018
    Doug, thank-you for the quick reply. As you will see above I listed the items in the box, and I assure you there was no thumb drive. Second, I just spent thousands of dollars on a product and your best customer service is to parrot it’s the other guys problem. Without addressing the fact that I already went down that road to exhaust their attempts to fix the problem. Then you’re going on about a 0 and a 1 like I am suppose to know what that’s all about? Maybe you need to take a breath and address your customers question? Did you even read my post? I asked you 3 specific questions, and failed to answer 2 of them and the third one was it’s not my fault. Perhaps you can re-read my post and we can have a helpful dialogue to help me work through the problem? Is there a possibility to roll back the driver? If I am telling you the sensors are swapping around, I am experiencing a problem? I spent a great deal of time working with SB on other solutions. We are now out of fixes, the next fix is to try a rollback. Are you able to help me?
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    1. As I stated above, the thumb drive comes with the camera. There's no point adding them to the filter wheel and AO-X because then you'll just end up with three identical thumb drives.

    Also the same document is available on our web site on the product page, in the usual place: and click the Downloads tab.

    2. You do not need to roll back your driver. No, nothing like this has ever been reported previously.

    There is nothing to roll back. We haven't changed the Windows version of the SBIG driver this year, except for a tiny addition back in February (added flag enabling filter wheel support for STF-1603W). All we've done this year is released some new Linux distributions.

    In fact we didn't make any significant driver changes in 2018 either. The last time we did anything significant to the driver was in 2017, and it wouldn't impact the issue you are reporting.

    So no matter what Tom said, I really don't think this has anything to do with the SBIG Universal Drivers. They've got a software issue of some kind. If they need help figuring it out, we'd be happy to assist.

    3. "Mount bumping" is entirely a function of the control software you are using. Especially if you are using Bisque's DirectGuide or ASCOM PulseGuide, in which case the commands go directly to the mount from the software, and the camera doesn't even know it's happening.

    The only case where the camera is involved at all in mount bumping is if you are using the tracking interface cable, and even then the camera just does what the software tells it to.

    So this has to be a software settings issue of some kind. I seem to remember someone telling me that in TheSky you're supposed to run the regular guide mode for this? I've never used it myself. Maybe @Colin Haig would have some suggestions.
  5. Andy Blanchard

    Andy Blanchard Standard User

    Nov 16, 2018
    Thanks Doug, I just sent them your reply, I guess they will get back to me with a new plan?
  6. THouse

    THouse Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Weed, NM
    For the record I nor SB ever said anything was wrong with the SBIG universal drivers or firmware, Andy wanted to roll back his drivers. I stated that for the firmware all our STXL's are still on 2.51 and it works fine. 2.54 has also been good for many, was just a data point.

    If there was an issue with the cameras swapping with TSX a lot of folks would be on the forum, I feel this issue is a settings issue on an individual platform.

  7. Andy Blanchard

    Andy Blanchard Standard User

    Nov 16, 2018
    Doug there is an AO issue on the forum with this sensor problem?
  8. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    I'm not aware of any issues with sensor selection. It's very straightforward, and we've had zero issues with that in the past.

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