Staff Assigned: Tim STF-8300M Error on open device:27

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by ThomKat41, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. ThomKat41

    ThomKat41 Standard User

    Nov 7, 2018
    Estreme NE Mississippi near Pickwick Lake
    My STF-8300M will no longer connect to Win 10 Pro laptop. Receive " Error on open device:27". Downloaded/ran Driver Checker; received notice drivers etc are correct. Laptop Device Manager shows SBIG present with exclamation point. Update no joy.

    The cooling wasn't working well recently so I had Bill L replace the cooler board/chip. It subsequently connected when I checked the cooler performance. Unfortunately it failed the next time I tried to connect.
    I asked Bill if there was anything in his bailiwick that would fix the problem but he suggested I contact the DL Forum.

    Have seen some prior discussions on the forum related to Error 27, but can't find them again.
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Error 27 means the driver can't find the camera... which is not surprising given the error in Device Manager. That's the real problem.

    There are a few possibilities... the easy stuff you can do is to try a different USB cable, avoid using a hub, and try connecting to a different USB port on the computer.

    If the camera has lost its programming for its USB chip, it's possible @Tim could log in remotely next week and try to reset it.

    Failing that the camera would have to go back to Bill.

    What is your camera's serial number?
  3. ThomKat41

    ThomKat41 Standard User

    Nov 7, 2018
    Estreme NE Mississippi near Pickwick Lake
    Good morning Doug, Thanks for the quick response!

    Camera S/N: 83F010564

    This AM, have tried your suggestions on both my old Win 7 Pro and my current Win 10 Pro laptops without success . Used 3 different USB cables (2 "experienced" and 1 new) connected directly to each of all USB ports on each laptop.

    With a complete lack of success this AM, I would like to work with Tim next week if he could contact me.

  4. ThomKat41

    ThomKat41 Standard User

    Nov 7, 2018
    Estreme NE Mississippi near Pickwick Lake
    Good morning Tim

    I do have TeamViewer installed. If it will work out for you, I can be available this afternoon from 1p - (Central Time)
    User ID: XXXX
    P/W: XXXX


    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2020
  5. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Posting your computer login on a public thread is a REALLY bad idea. That is why I sent you a private message.

    I have edited your message and removed the password that everyone can see.
  6. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Yes, I can login at 1pm central.
  7. ThomKat41

    ThomKat41 Standard User

    Nov 7, 2018
    Estreme NE Mississippi near Pickwick Lake
    OK, appreciate the info. Well aware of the issues of posting on an open forum, however this is the first time I have used the DL Forum and missed the "reply" tab on your contact. Noted the request at the bottom of the window to not use the page for a reply, so I went back to the main forum.
    Also without thinking, I gave you the User ID and p/w for my desktop vs the laptop which I use to control the camera controls.
    If this page is secure, I will pass on the TV info for the laptop.

  8. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    No...this thread is public. Under your usernames on the left for each post, there is a link that says "Send a Private Message". I will send another private message to you and you should reply to that one with the login credentials.

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