Shutter Latency Measurement command

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Aug 18, 2020.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    I got it ... now I know what to do . Using a CanonEOSII RebelT7i and the Canon 18-55mm Lens that came with it from Hutech .... I waited till dark tonight Aug. 16 2020 a Sunday and indoors I used my ASUS X541U laptop with a 15" diagonal screen and the Lens at the ' MF' switch and I had it set at the 50mm area and taped it so it won't move with electrical tape and I 'opened' MaximDL Pro and I 'opened' the 'Shutter Latency' command for Camera1 which will only 'open' when you 'Connect' and I used the 'Live View' button on the RebelT7i which was at 'Enable' in the camera's Menu and I set the tripod and positioned the camera so the full 'buffer' screen showed like the directions say to do and I magnified the camera's 'Live View' with it's button and looking at the back on the camera's LCD screen I turned the 'focus' ring till the small print was in 'focus' and I taped the 'focus' ring so it won't move and then I turned off the 'Live View' and I set it to 'Disable' in the camera's Menu and then while connected to MaximDL Pro's Canera Control command I positioned the 'open' 'Shutter Latency' command page in the middle of the 'buffer' and then I pressed the 'Aim' button in it and a Graph appears and then I left-clicked on it and it changed back to it's original page command and ....I have 'Mirror Lockup' at ' 2 sec ' in the Camera1 'Setup' page and I had 'Mirror Lockup-ON' in the camera's Menu . I then put the 'pointer' on the 'Start' button in the 'Expose' Tab and I used a ' .3sec ' expose time and ISO400 and RAWMonochrome and then the 'exposure' starts and the 'mirror' locks up for ' 2sec ' and during this time the 'Shutter Latency' command page is flashing all kinds of squares and numbers and the exposure starts and ends and the image 'downloads' and then you see the results . The 'Shutter Latency' command page doesn't tell you to press the Camera1 'Start' button but I figured it out . But the directions tell you to look at the top row's lowest number which was ' 2 ' and the second horizontal row from the top row which the lowest number visible was ' 5 ' and the number in the first visible block , which was ' 4 ' . You then enter these in the edit fields and the first one is ' sec ' and I put the ' 2 ' into it which must be for the ' 2sec ' 'Mirror Lockup' and then for ' 10ths ' which is the second box I put in ' 5 ' and then for the ' 100ths ' edit box I put in the ' 4 ' and then the 'Apply' button becomes active and you press that and it's done . Then I pressed the 'Aim' button and the page turns to a Graph and the left-click on it and it turns back the the 'Shutter Latency Measurement' page again and you put the 'pointer' on the 'Start' button for Camera1 and left-click it and the 'mirror' Locks-up and the 'Shutter Latency Measurement' page starts flashing numbers and blocks and the exposure is taken and 'downloaded' and this image is the result which is at 'Medium' in the 'screen-stretch' window and it shows that there is a ' 0 ' block and other blocks so this means the camera's shutter is 'open' at the start of the 'sensor's exposure ..... but before this image with these values in it there was only a block with a ' 4 ' in it and now there is ' 0 ' and others . The directions say the flashing affect happens every ' 1/100th ' of a second and then it's what the camera will see before and after things are applied to the 'Shutter Latency Measurement' and you save this to the Configuration you are in and that means for this one which is the 2960mmFL Configuration I must use the ' 2sec ' 'Mirror Lockup' option . You can also do this without the MirrorLockup active in the camera but the MaximDL Pro V6.16 Help page says the DSLR's Mirror is a separate mechanical structure and there is a vibration that also takes place so that's why you would use it to get it out of the way to begin with . Then there is the 'Sutter Latency' which means that when the exposure starts .. sometimes the shutter doesn't 'open' before the 'sensor' starts to integrate and acquire 'photons' ... they say some camera's .. CCD's ... shutters open ' .25sec ' to ' 1sec ' after the 'sensor' starts imaging and that why they have the 'Shutter Latency Measurement' command tool and I can see that for the CanonEOSII RebelT7i that it's actually working and I can't believe it ... But , I think this proceedure must be done in each Configuration you have and saved to the Configuration so the statistics aren't lost .xx

    I put this message in last night but it's not here , so here it is again...
    The ' 2sec ' is for 'Mirror Lockup' and the ' 5 tenths ' is the second Edit box .. "is this box in this case for the amount of time the 'shutter' has to open ? " , and the ' 4 hundredths ' is the last Edit box and is this the amount of time after the shutter opens till the 'sensor' is active ... ? ... , then it all would be a simple move . x
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    That was pretty rambling. Are you asking a question?

    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    Yes ., but after I sent this message I looked in the MaximDL Pro V5 book I have on the "Shutter Latency Measurement" tool and
    I tried it that way where you look at the highest box's number in the first column from the left to the right and now I think I
    understand what the timed count is .... it's to 'open' the 'shutter' before the 'sensor' activates to acquire data .

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