64bit executable ASCOM driver for Aluma cameras?

Discussion in 'Aluma CCD Series' started by William Castleman, Feb 28, 2021.

  1. William Castleman

    William Castleman Cyanogen Customer

    Jun 28, 2019
    Are there any plans to upgrade the ASCOM DLImaging driver or its installation so that it will function as a 64bit executable ASCOM driver?

    I have tried to run my Aluma 694 with NINA with no success. NINA will run cameras with 64-bit ASCOM driver support (e.g., QHY). I loaded the latest downloadable ASCOM drivers for the Aluma camera from the Diffraction Limited site onto my Windows 10 Enterprise computer. The installed drivers allowed NINA to see “DL Imaging (ASCOM)” in the camera connection menu. However, when I tried to connect, I got the error message, “An ASCOM driver interop exception occurred. This is most likely caused by a mismatch between the driver being installed as x86 and N.I.N.A. being x64. Please install the driver as x64”

    A review of the ASCOM Diagnostics log showed the following file to be “”Intel 32bit executable”
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\Camera\ASCOM.DLImaging.Camera.dll

    It is interesting that QHY has both 32bit and 64bit ASCOM drivers that are “32bit executable” and “64bit executable”, respectively in the following locations:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\Camera\x86\qhyccd.dll
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\Camera\x64\qhyccd.dll

    Loading the newer ASCOM driver caused Maxim DL 6.20 on my computer to crash when connecting to my Aluma, so I had to uninstall the ASCOM drivers and uninstall and reinstall Maxim DL to get it functioning normally with my Aluma 694 again.

    I would like to use my Aluma 694 with NINA. Posts on other sites have lowered my expectations that this is possible. However, I thought it best to ask here before proceeding with my next series of steps.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance/advice.
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    I'll put the request in to our development team.
    Meanwhile, N.I.N.A. says that this is common and that the solution is to use the x86 32-bit version as the workaround.
  3. William Castleman

    William Castleman Cyanogen Customer

    Jun 28, 2019
    Thank you, Colin.

    I went back and reloaded the newest downloadable ASCOM driver from your website onto my computer. I moved the ASCOM.DLImaging.Camera.dll file into the ASCOM\Camera\x64 directory and then tried to load/connect again. I was able to see DLImaging (ASCOM) in the camera directory of NINA (screen1.jpg). When I tried to connect, I got an exception error (screen2.jpg). I ran ASCOM Diagnostics. I have highlighted the log excerpt in a Word document (DLImaging_ASCOM_NINA_03012021a). ASCOM Diagnostics reads the file in the x64 directory as “Intel 32bit” executable and highlights the FileLoadException. I have included the log for the QHY driver in the same x64 directory which is read as “Intel 64bit” executable.

    Unless you can suggest an alternate strategy I see trying to use the 32bit DLImaging driver as offering no joy in trying to get my Aluma 694 to function in NINA.
    Thanks again for your assistance and for any future help that you can provide. - Bill

    Attached Files:

  4. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Bill, that won't work - the DLL is a x86 32bit DLL. Just moving it into a different directory does not somehow *magically* convert code for a 32-bit x86 processor run natively as 64-bit code.
    Again, the alternate strategy is run 32-bit N.I.N.A. as advised by the makers of that program.
  5. William Castleman

    William Castleman Cyanogen Customer

    Jun 28, 2019
    Colin, I didn't didn't think it would work but wanted to give it a try before moving on to the next steps. Moving back to the 32bit dark side while the rest of the world is going 64bit is not in my future. In fact, contrary to your statement above, NINA recommends that equipment vendors provide true 64bit drivers for their equipment. Even SGP is going 64bit.
    Nevertheless, I do thank you for responding to my question and for giving me DL's current view on providing a 64bit executable ASCOM driver for my Aluma 694. I now have enough information to move on with the steps I need to take before galaxy season is upon us in full force.
  6. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Until our developers product a 64-bit ASCOM driver, the only workaround we have to offer is 32-bit ASCOM.
    The ASCOM 64bit implementation is on our radar, but I cannot provide it today.
    The NINA developer have been happy to use the Native SDKs from many other manufacturers; however they have not chosen to use ours.

    From the https://nighttime-imaging.eu/download/ website:
    "If you install N.I.N.A. in x64 architecture your ASCOM drivers will also need to be provided as x64. Unfortunately some manufacturer still do not provide x64 drivers. In case you are having trouble connecting to your equipment, please switch to the x86 version of N.I.N.A. or ask your manufacturer for x64 drivers."
  7. William Castleman

    William Castleman Cyanogen Customer

    Jun 28, 2019
    Thanks for the clarification....we are both right. The majority of equipment that I currently use on a regular basis for astrophotography (AP mount, Pegasus focuser controller, Lodestar X2 guide camera/PHD2 software, Nikon camera, QHY camera) all have 64bit drivers (either native or ASCOM) and run on the rapidly progressing 64-bit version of NINA perfectly well. My three SBIG cameras and their SBIG remote guiders stand out as different. Two of the SBIG cameras are obsolete and get a pass. The Aluma 694 is a well built, rugged, high-performance camera. I fully understand that however urgent the availability of a 64bit ASCOM driver might appear to an Aluma-camera owner, the development of a 64bit ASCOM driver cannot be a high priority with your available programming resources in a busy product development line. Again, I appreciate your taking time to provide me with the information I needed.
  8. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Yes, exactly. In an ideal world, we'd have finished the work we started on Windows 64-bit ASCOM drivers already.
    I didn't say that it isn't a priority.
    You asked for this on Sunday night (our time) and I can't provide it to you today.

    Would you be interested in beta testing a version when it is ready?
  9. William Castleman

    William Castleman Cyanogen Customer

    Jun 28, 2019
    Yes, Colin. I would welcome the opportunity to beta test a 64bit driver for the Aluma 694. Are you able to look into your crystal ball and guestimate a probable time line (e.g., 3 to 6 months, 6 to 12 months)? Thank you

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