Configuring MaxIm LT and Drivers for stand-alone SC-3 and AO-X

Discussion in 'Guiding and Adaptive Optics - StarChaser and AO' started by Evert Cooper, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. Evert Cooper

    Evert Cooper Cyanogen Customer

    Mar 10, 2021
    Folks, I have a stand alone system of a SC-3 with AO-X that I wish to operate using MaxIm LT. The camera STXL-6303E and Filterwheel is another stand alone system and works well with CCDOPS. When I plug in the USB connection between the SC-3 and the computer and then plug in the power, the SC-3 and AO-X seem unenergized, i.e., there are no device indicators illuminated. Is that a problem?
    A DL driver utility is at C:\Program Files (x86)\Diffraction Limited\DL Config Utility. When I open the utility, however, it seems to be looking for a camera to automatically detect, configure and load device drivers. Unfortunately, there is no camera attached so nothing is populated in the configuration display.
    I run into the same problem when attempting to configure MaxIm LT. Referring to the StarChaser User Manual, Section 5.1, step 13 (pg 16), step 13a says "Set up the main imaging camera under Camera 1". Unfortunately, in the SC-3 and AO-X stand alone there is no camera so am not sure how to do this step. I could, however, enter the STXL-6303e just as a dummy entry but am not sure how MaxIm will interpret or use this information since there is no connection between camera and the SC3. At step 13h I come to a roadblock because the "Device" listing is not populated as it should be with a "StarChaser" entry and none of the entries are populated with Camera info because there is no camera.
    I must be doing something wrong, so a little help/direction would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    The SC-3 is a camera.

    It has a small AC power pack that runs it and any attached accessory such as the AO-X.
    The AC power pack must be plugged in to energize the SC-3 and AO-X.
    Windows has to recognize the device in order for it to work.

    Device Drivers:
    In DL Config Utility, it should show up in the list at the left. If it doesn't then probably there is a device driver issue.

    We supply WHQL certified drivers, and Microsoft Windows should automatically download and install the drivers.

    In the Windows Device Manager it should be showing up as an "SBIG Camera".
    If the icon has an error indication (an exclamation mark or yellow symbol), then the device driver did not install properly.
    If you see Unknown Device or SBIG Camera with a yellow symbol, you will need to fix this.

    Right click on the Device and select Update Driver.
    That should install it properly.

    If not, then Action... Scan for Hardware Changes
    That should fix it.
    If not, then you can also run Windows Update, and check for Optional Updates - Drivers and look for an FTDI device (the chip maker name).
    If that still doesnt work, then we should probably get on the phone or TeamViewer.

    Configuring the Camera:

    With the STXL-6303e as the main camera, and SC-3 for guiding with AO, you'll have this in the MaxIm, Camera Control Windows, Setup tab:

    Camera 1 will be the STXL-6303e as the main camera
    Camera 2 will be DL Imaging camera.


    To set up the SC-3, Camera 2, Setup:
    Click the [Advanced] button to select it.
    It will show a screen similar to DL Config. The camera will have a serial number like SC130088888 in the list. Double click it. You should see a "*" beside the serial number. eg SC13008888* will show it is selected. OK.

    Set AO to Sensor 1. (It is OFF in the scren shot - circled in green).

    That's it!
  3. Evert Cooper

    Evert Cooper Cyanogen Customer

    Mar 10, 2021
    Hi Colin, thank you for your help. Not quite working yet, however. It was a cockpit error regarding the plug. I had not completely plugged AC cable into powerpack. In my fiddling around with device drivers I may have installed them twice. My Device Manager shows two SBIG cameras. Is that a problem.


    I connected the AO-X to sensor 1 as you specified, and then when connecting as per step 13i in the Star Chaser Guider User's Manual I get an error because there is no camera attached, i.e.,


    So how does one fool MaxIm to think that there is a main camera attached when there isn't.

    Thanks for the help,

    Attached Files:

  4. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    No problem and likely no mistake on your part. This unit has "two halves" which show up as SBIG Camera A and SBIG Camera B in the Device Manager.
    You could set Camera 1 as "Simulator", instead of "SBIG Universal", if you are trying to run without a main imaging camera.
  5. Evert Cooper

    Evert Cooper Cyanogen Customer

    Mar 10, 2021
    Colin, thank you very much. Amazing what this program will do!! Setting Camera1 to "Simulator" and having "Setup filters" = "No Filters" does the trick. Works now on the bench. Next is debug w/telescope. Thank you for working on Saturdays. Exemplary help.

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