Resolved "ERROR: camera not initialized (USB)"

Discussion in 'STC Series CMOS' started by Ian H., May 9, 2021.

  1. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Ian, my colleague @Brian needs to have a look at this; he was off last week, and been buried with catch-up work. I've asked him to reach out.

    You should be using DL Imaging for both.

    Camera Control Window - Camera 1 - Setup Camera - select Camera Model = DL Imaging.
    Click [Advanced...] and on the new DL::Config window that comes up, in the Devices column at the left, select the STC7 (and double click it so there is an * beside its serial number)

    Camera Control Window - Camera 2 - Setup Camera - select Camera Model = DL Imaging.
    Click [Advanced...] and on the new DL::Config window that comes up, in the Devices column at the left, select the SC2 (and double click it so there is an * beside its serial number)
    Then Ok. It will take you back to the Setup DL Imaging.
    For AO, select Sensor 1 as there is only 1 sensor on the SC-2.
  2. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    Thanks - - and understood. I have been using the "DL Imaging" settings for both, and "Sensor 1" (I only tried "Sensor 2" to see if it made a difference), and I'm pretty sure that's the same process I run through every time I connect; I'll do a bench test just to be sure. And I never have to double click for the asterisk to show up - - it's already there on the unit I'm running the setup for. Skies are lousy for at least the next few days, so I've got some time before I can do much anyway.
  3. Brian Brown

    Brian Brown Standard User

    May 8, 2019
    Hi Ian,

    May I ask what version of MaxIm you are running? The y axis drift while AO guiding with DLImaging Controlled cameras was a known issue in 6.27 and should have been addressed in 6.28.

  4. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    I am running 6.27 - - installing 6.28 now. I'm sure I've checked for updates in the last month or so - - was this just released?
  5. Brian Brown

    Brian Brown Standard User

    May 8, 2019
    Yes 6.28 has only been out for about a week or so
  6. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    Thanks - - I'll try it out next clear night, and let you know how it goes.
  7. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    So, I'm sorry guys, but this thing just doesn't work. I downloaded the new version of Maxim DL, and it really didn't make any difference - - although I did get a new error message (see attached). And given you had a "known issue with y axis drift", I'm starting to wonder if this specific configuration has worked for anyone. My best guess is, since the SC-2 works with either an ASCOM or GPUSB setup, but does not work using guider relays (with or without the AO-8A), that the problem is with either the pinout assignments relative to the mount, or some other issue with the electronics. Oh, and now this setup does not focus stars either, seeming to have the same requirement for a spacer; I confirmed that the camera and SC2 still work fine (without the AO) when the spacer is there. So I'm open to suggestion: I can use the SC2 and camera the way it is now, but unless there's an update so that the AO-8A is controlled through ASCOM, I don't see this set up working. I'm open to sending it back to see if it can be repaired - - or if you guys can remote in to diagnose what's wrong with this set up, I can work with that. Please let me know.

    Attached Files:

  8. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    Sorry - - forgot the new error message one.

    Attached Files:

  9. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Ian, let's schedule a TeamViewer session ASAP - when could you be available?
    My preference would be tomorrow after 11am EDT (UTC-4) as I have other commitments. Let me know what might work.
    It can be during the day - we could check out the basics first, before moving on to AO operation at night.

    If you updated to MaxIm DL 6.28, did you ALSO update to DLImaging drivers ?
    They're a set.
    Otherwise you'll get odd behaviour.
    Get it here:

    It's been a while since I've played with a GPUSB. Are you using the RJ12 flat phone cable with that and connected to the Losmandy mount?
    Did you use the same cable with the SC-2?
  10. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    Hi Colin: actually I did NOT update the DL driver - - let me do that and try it before we get into a remote session (tomorrow will not work for me anyway). And yes, the GPUSB uses the RJ12 phone cable; I've tried both straight through and reversed versions with the SC2, but I have not swapped out the one that came with the GPUSB; seems unlikely to be a cable issue that way, but I can try swapping them to see if that works just in case. There are no clear skies in the coming week (though as always that might change), so this might take a while.
  11. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Ok, let me know when you can schedule. Wednesday is not great - any other day or evening.
  12. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    Okay, I've downloaded and installed the link you sent, and I just want to confirm - - it installs like an app, but there's no new program or anything, this is just to install the driver, right? I ran SB Checker afterwords just to confirm all my drivers are up to date, and everything checked out.
  13. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    SB Checker is for the legacy ST/STL/STXL/STX/STT/STF series cameras.
    DL Config Utility is the new utility for Aluma/STC/SC/AC series cameras including off-axis guide cameras.
    DL Config should show you have driver version
  14. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    It does - - all good. It looks like I might have an opportunity to try it out Friday night, as long as the forecast holds. If it still doesn't work, we can set up a remote session next week.
  15. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Ok, good luck and clear skies.
  16. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    So I guess I would say the last few sessions have been qualified successes; the AO-8A will guide, and the results are good, but it's not clear to me that the SC-2 and AO-8A are behaving as expected. I made multiple attempts using 3 different cables: the one that came with the SC2, a straight through cable, and the cable that came with the GPUSB. In all three cases, the "Locate" and "Calibrate Drive" functions did not work. (For drive calibration, the message was usually "too little movement in x axis".). Even though I could see stars in the image on the screen, the unit never "located" one. As you can see from the screenshot here, it also seemed like Maxim didn't 'see' the SC2 when first configured (though it was there as usual when setting it up through the "advanced" dialog box). Also, the window on the "Track" tab doesn't usually show the star selected. (I manually selected stars a few times to try to calibrate the drive that way, but it still failed.). In any case, the cable is obviously not the central issue.

    BUT, the "calibrate AO" worked - - even though the first two steps failed. And it tracked very well - - I was fully satisfied with the images. And I managed to find logs from the last few sessions (sorry, it seems those folders were set to "hidden", which is why I couldn't find them), so I've included them here. It looks like I'm being prompted for a firmware update - - but that's only in the log, I never saw an error message to that effect while using it. I'll check the site.

    I'm going to do more testing over the next couple of nights - - I believe I'll have an opportunity Tuesday or Wednesday night. I'll try to narrow down the behaviour a bit more, and define exactly what happens when. I'll let you know.

    Attached Files:

  17. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    We need to do a remote session. What's alarming is that the behaviour of this thing does not seem to be repeatable. Attached is an image from my last session: it looked like the AO was working and then you can see what the result was. The last time I used this same setup (which requires me to use my home fabricated spacer, BTW), everything looked great until the last few images, which looked like the attached; based on where the cable were at that time, and the position of the mount, I guessed that there had been an interference condition that caused the issue. This time, there was nothing like that - - I was sitting there the whole time, no bumps to the scope or mount (which is on a concrete footing sunk 4 feet deep in the ground) or the scope, so this is straight up equipment behaviour.

    Let's get this sorted out please; I've now spent about 10x as much time trying to test/troubleshoot than I have actually using this stuff for its intended purpose. Since buying these components, I've bought a planetary imager and a monochrome autoguider, and made countless satisfying images with my DSLR, with no where near as much time invested to work through the issues. I know monochrome imaging is more complicated - - but that's not the issue here.

    Attached Files:

  18. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    I'm going to ask @Brian Brown to get in touch and schedule a session.
    733 looks like 15 adjustments were made - turning 1 star into 15 !
  19. Brian Brown

    Brian Brown Standard User

    May 8, 2019
    Hello Ian,

    Depending on your version of DLImaging you may have the ability to save the AO control logs. These logs as well as your tracking settings would be a good start for diagnostics. Looking at the Test image the star duplicates look quite sharp as if several images that are off from each other were stacked. Since the AO corrects during the exposure and not necessarily between exposures (except to dither) I would expect streaks if it was bouncing to those points during a single exposure. Could you provide some more details regarding the acquisition process leading up to this image?

    Regardless, we can absolutely schedule a remote session to look into this.


    - Brian.
  20. Brian Brown

    Brian Brown Standard User

    May 8, 2019
    In case your version of DLImaging does not have the log saving feature: here is a version that does. It also has some changes to help improve the location and drive calibration consistency


    Attached Files:

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