Resolved "ERROR: camera not initialized (USB)"

Discussion in 'STC Series CMOS' started by Ian H., May 9, 2021.

  1. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    The chain is this:
    ---- Inside the DLImaging plugin ----
    1. AO State Machine takes a guide frame
    2. AO State Machine locates the centroid & calculates offset from centre of frame
    3. AO State Machine uses calibration to scale the offset into relay activation times
    4. AO State Machine determines a telescope bump is required, sends an event up into MaxIm CCD (the Camera Control window & related tools) to bump the mount
    ---- Inside MaxIm CCD (our Camera Control subsystem) ----
    5. MaxIm CCD receives the message and looks up how the user wants to notify the mount to bump (e.g. a direct ASCOM to command a slew, telling the MaxIm Observatory to command a slew, telling one of the cameras—main or guider—to command a slew via Guider Outputs, etc)
    6. MaxIm CCD commands the scope to bump by the calculated amount via the method the user set up.
    7. Mount (hopefully) bumps

    I was afraid your new scope wouldn't have an ASCOM driver... In this case, no it won't work. The Observatory Control tab uses ASCOM to communicate with the telescope. We can try that once your mount is fixed. I'll try working the problem on my end in the meantime.
  2. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    I get it - - sounds promising; this method plus the other suggestions from Colin (straight-through cable and flipping the X axis) should work. And if it doesn't I can cycle through those options and cables again to see if I can find a combination that does.

    Unfortunately, this is further complicated (or at least delayed) now: after cycling through testing with their team, Losmandy confirmed I'll have to send in my Gemini box, motors and cables to figure out what's wrong - - not super happy about this since it started less than a month after the warranty expired. Given my (non-Gemini) GM 8 is still working perfectly 20-odd years in, I'm more than a little surprised. (Starting to think life would have been a lot simpler if I'd just taken up knitting as a hobby, like my wife. Virtually zero equipment issues.). But I want to reiterate, this is definitely not the source of the issues with the guiding system - - when the mount stalls I get a specific error message, and the differences in the photos are obvious, which is why I never bothered to include those photos in these exchanges. (When the RA stalls, the stars just trail, as you would expect.)

    I'll be in touch again when I have my equipment back, and I'm able to test - - probably a few weeks at least. Thanks again for all the efforts from the SBIG / Diffraction team - - it's not lost on me how much work has been done up to this point.
  3. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    That is... less than ideal to put it mildly. I'll keep working the problem on our end, and hopefully we can meet in the middle once you've got everything back in shape.

    FWIW: I believe you re: there being a separate issue with the guiding. We try not to lump failures together here to make sure we catch everything we can. Best of luck with Losmandy.
  4. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    So I finally got my mount back and those issues sorted out (more or less), I finally had enough clear sky to do some testing using the ASCOM connection for the AO-8A. I've attached the log and some samples, and here are my findings / observations:
    1. It still doesn't work, or rather, it worked once (0864), then never again (all the others).
    2. It still aways fails drive calibration, and usually fails AO calibration - - but even when the AO calibration passes, the same problem shows up in the images.
    3. I tried both with the x axis flipped, and not flipped, which did not seem to make any difference - except for how the calibration failed: too little X axis movement became too little Y axis movement.
    4. I opened up the calibration time to the max (on the guide tab sub menu of the "Connect" dialog box), but I don't believe that actually affects the AO-8A at all: calibration time only seemed longer when using the SC-2, not the AO-8A, which seemed unchanged.
    5. I again bypassed the AO-8A for the remainder of the evening, and guided using the SC-2 (still through the ASCOM connection), mostly without incident. (A couple of hiccups at the end of the evening - - and a software crash at one point - - but these looked to me like a mix of unrelated hardware and operating system issues, and assuming they don't reoccur with any frequency, probably don't warrant further investigation.)
    So once again, I've disassembled the AO unit from the other two components. On the upside, I'm convinced ASCOM is a better way to go in general, which does get around the other cable issues. But for now, the AO is staying in a box in my basement. I think it might be necessary for me to ship it back to you for proper testing - - but let's wait until after the holiday, as logistics are going to be a mess until then. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.

    Attached Files:

  5. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
  6. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    Thanks Colin - - will do. If the weather co-operates tomorrow night, I'll try it out.
  7. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
  8. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Let me fix that for you in a moment.
  9. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Ok, should be fixed for you now.
    In the AO setup tab, there is a SNR value. You can adjust it (I have older hardware and set it to somewhere between 50-100). It will cure false star location, which is at the heart of the problems with calibration failures.
  10. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    Thanks Colin - - the link worked, and I'll try everything out tonight!
  11. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    SUCCESS!!!! Per Colin's suggestion, I upped the SNR to 100, and extended the calibration time for the AO-8A (looks like I had previously adjusted the wrong one), and between that and the software fixes, it worked flawlessly! Both the drive and AO calibration were successful, and the tracking worked without issue. The calibration process swapped axes (as in, I didn't change it, the calibration routine did). And I used ASCOM again - - that seems to be the way to go to get around a lot of issues. If the weather had co-operated a little more, I'd have had a great night - - but I'm sure the next clear night I'll get some spectacular results!

  12. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    We're really glad to hear this. @Brian Brown worked hard with a bit of help from my testing, and again, I want to thank you for permitting the visit a few weeks back - that helped, and resulted in new messages, some additional logging, and other things.
  13. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    Glad I could help - - and thanks again to you and your team for really going the extra mile - - in every sense!
  14. Brian Brown

    Brian Brown Standard User

    May 8, 2019
    Hi Ian,

    Glad to hear things are running smoothly!

    - Brian
  15. Ian H.

    Ian H. Cyanogen Customer

    May 9, 2021
    Nice work, Brian! I think you really hit this one out of the park!

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