Odd problem with FW8-STF

Discussion in 'Filter Wheels' started by Mauro NArduzzi, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. Mauro NArduzzi

    Mauro NArduzzi Standard User

    Oct 11, 2014
    I have an odd problem with an STF-8300 + FW8-STF and CCDOPS. I already wrote to Bill and Tim, but I post also here because maybe someone found same problem.

    Customer told me that he installed correctly SbigDriverChecker 64 and CCDOps (last versions availalble today). Initially all worked fine but after that he clicked on "Calibrate/Initialize..." in CCDOps the filter wheel didn't work anymore.
    If you click on "Calibrate/Initialize..." you get "The CFW reported a Motor Timeout Error.", you try to change filter you get "The CFW reported that it is busy".

    He then sent me STF and FW8 back. I could replicate error exactly as end customer: initially it was all ok, I could change filters and perform CFW Exerciser. After I clicked "Calibrate/Initialize..." filter wheel was no usable anymore. Even rebooting PC didn't solve the problem.

    I then tried again camera to different PC without drivers and CCDOps so I made a clean installation from scratch: this time I immediately had same errors! This is very odd since I expected to find same behaviour as my first trial.

    Following debug data from CFW:

    Firmware Version: 0X0052
    Number Filters: 8
    Mem 00 = 0x52 (Status)
    Mem 01 = 0x52 (Filter)
    Mem 02 = 0x52 (CalMax)
    Mem 03 = 0x52 (CalMin)
    Mem 04 = 0x52 (Threshold)
    Mem 05 = 0x52 (Move Low)
    Mem 06 = 0x52 (Move High)
    Mem 07 = 0x52 (I2C Address)
    Mem 08 = 0x52 (I2CData)
    Mem 09 = 0x52 ()
    Mem 10 = 0x52 ()
    Mem 11 = 0x52 ()
    Mem 12 = 0x52 ()
    Mem 13 = 0x52 ()
    Mem 14 = 0x52 ()
    Mem 15 = 0x52 (Version)

    I think that this is a software problem and not an hardware problem otherwise I cannot explain why initally I can control CFW with success.

    I will make a trial at home as soon as possibile.
  2. Moon Watcher

    Moon Watcher Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    I'm having the exact same problem. It appears to work (software wise) with Maxim Dl 6, but the filter wheel is not actually moving. In SGP it fails. I saw one post about an "open fuse". I don't know if this is a user fix or has to be sent in.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
  3. Mauro NArduzzi

    Mauro NArduzzi Standard User

    Oct 11, 2014
    It's not the same problem. My sample tells that CFW is busy even in MaximDL.
  4. J. PARK

    J. PARK Standard User

    Apr 4, 2016
    It's same as my problem. I'm using FW5-8300 with STF-8300M.
    My filter wheel repond just as same as you said when using CCDOps.
    And when i use MaximDL6 and configured as SBIG universal CFW-8, It's seems like working well but the filter wheel is not moving physically.
    And finally, when set as SBIG universal standard, it occurs an "error (6) initializing filter wheel".

    I have 2 sets of these ccd and filter wheel. Even both sets have same problem.
  5. Moon Watcher

    Moon Watcher Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Mine turned out to be a blown fuse. I had to send it in for repair. I found out to NEVER connect the FW cable to the CCD while the power is on.
  6. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    If you hot plugged the interface then the fuse might be blown. Check with Bill Lynch at SBIG Service & Repair; he knows all the likely symptoms of a blown fuse.
  7. Bill

    Bill SBIG Service and Repairs Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2014

    If I understand correctly; The filter wheel was operating properly until Calibrate/Initialize was selected and then the error message appeared. You got the unit and it behaved the same way, it worked until Calibrate/Initialize was selected. Certainly very strange and would seem like some sort of bug. Although, I haven't heard any others make the same complaint, at least not yet. I'll give it a try the next time I have a STF and FW on my bench.
    The fact that it doesn't work at all now... makes me think that a fuse opened.

    J. Park,

    My guess is that you have open fuses in both of the units.

  8. J. PARK

    J. PARK Standard User

    Apr 4, 2016

    Thank you for your answer.
    But how can i find a fuse?
  9. Bill

    Bill SBIG Service and Repairs Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2014
    Send me an email J. Park, bill@sbig.com, and I'll send you some pictures.

  10. J. PARK

    J. PARK Standard User

    Apr 4, 2016
    OK. I solved my problem thanks to Bill. It was a problem of fuse. Now my filter wheel is working good.
    Thank you.
  11. Bill

    Bill SBIG Service and Repairs Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2014
    Nice! Good going. Remember not to plug the filter wheel into the camera if the camera is already energized or it very likely will happen again.


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