Hi, I got a renewal notice and tried to use the link. I tried typing in my license and I tried cut and paste, but both failed. I need assistance! Richard Wiggins
Hi, I tried again today and got same result…spinning on web page, then this e-mail. An Error Occurred We were unable to process your request because your license could not be found in our records. We suggest trying the following: Ensure the serial number you used to apply was correct, and has not been used for an upgrade/subscription renewal before. If it has, please use your new license details and apply again. If the above fails, contact us on our forums at http://diffractionlimited.com/forum. Please help
Are you using your current license? You can't use an old one. Your current license starts with 2CRCV.
Hi Doug, That was it. For some reason the number in my program was an old license number. Maybe I never entered my new number. I found it in my last update notice and fixed it. Thanks so much, Rick