Powering AC4040 with a custom power set-up?

Discussion in 'Aluma AC Series CMOS' started by Tiffany, Aug 2, 2024.

  1. Tiffany

    Tiffany Standard User

    Jan 19, 2023
    In my observatory, the power to the cameras on the back of my Planewave CDK24 is controlled through a relay so the computer can turn everything on or off remotely. I am trying to replace a dead Apogee CG16M camera with a new AC4040.

    In an ideal world, I'd like to use the custom power supply from the old camera for the new AC4040 to save some work on new wiring through the telescope. I have a power supply that can provide 12V DC at 8amps.

    I'd like to make (or acquire!) a power cord like the one I've been using with the CG16M in the attached photos - showing the old cable next to the AC4040 supplied power cable and the desired power connector end that I could plug into my already-in-place system.

    Now, I'm looking for advice from the folks that actually know what they're doing: is this idea reasonable? Does such a power cord connector for AC4040 already exist that I can buy? Can I buy an extra AC4040 power cord so that I can make a new connector of my own by cutting and splitting the supplied power cord? (well, I'd get the university's electrical folk to do this part).

    Thanks! Open to suggestions and also open to "please don't do that" if need be. :)

    Attached Files:

  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Shouldn't be an issue.

    Just don't accidentally wire the power backwards! The camera is protected against reverse power, but we can't stop 12V from ending up on the chassis of the camera, and then going into the USB interface ground. That tends to destroy the USB interface at both ends. Obviously that sort of damage is not covered by warranty.

    The first time you power up the camera with a custom power cable, you should disconnect ALL other cables from the camera, and make sure the shell isn't accidentally connected to ground some other way (e.g. through the telescope focuser). Then when you power up, if camera doesn't do anything the power is probably backwards. Unplug immediately and fix. If the camera does power up, all is good.
  3. Tiffany

    Tiffany Standard User

    Jan 19, 2023
    This is helpful - thank you! I'll be on my way to do that.

    I also see there's spare power cables available for purchase on the DL website under 'accessories' - is there the ability to just purchase the end + wire that connects into the camera without the brick?
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    If you're going to make something custom, the easiest thing to do is purchase the connector, as specified in the User Manual on Page 38. Switchcraft S10KS17
  5. Tiffany

    Tiffany Standard User

    Jan 19, 2023
    Got it - ordered. Thanks a bunch!

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