stx 16803 ccd camera connection to Moonlite focuser

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by Jim Gianoulakis, Aug 18, 2024.

  1. Jim Gianoulakis

    Jim Gianoulakis Cyanogen Customer

    Jun 19, 2015
    This may not be the right place for this question but I've purchased a second 16803 for use with a refractor. I have a 16803 on a planewave but I purchased specific components to rigidly attach it to the PW. I don't know but I don't see any corresponding custom connectors for the Moonlite/WO combination. The current QSI is attached via a 2" nosepiece. Is that the best method to attach the camera?

    Thank you,
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    What size focuser draw tube do you have, and what do you have for a scope?
    A 2-inch nosepiece is not sufficient for an STX_16803 or AC4040. Those cameras have a 52mm diagonal. The 2-inch nose is about 48mm at best, so the light cone will be cut off rather a lot (vignetting).
    Here are the standard adapters we have:
  3. Jim Gianoulakis

    Jim Gianoulakis Cyanogen Customer

    Jun 19, 2015

    Hi Colin, glad it was you that replied. I'm verifying but I believe the nosepiece is 2.5". It is a moonlight focuser, Could be I will need a new focuser. The scope I am planning on using is a William Optics 110 Zenithstar. Moonlight does offer a 3" focuser. Would you have any thoughts on focusers? Not sure you recall but I purchased the 16803 from you when kodak ccd's were phasing out. It was the last one on the shelf. :) Its been on the shelf at my house for a bit. Along with the mounting question, I also need to build the image train. I currently use a 16803 with aoX, stx-guider and FW7. Probably not going to go with adaptive optics, I haven't had much luck with it. I know new products replacing the filter wheel and guider are available.
  4. Jim Gianoulakis

    Jim Gianoulakis Cyanogen Customer

    Jun 19, 2015
    Looks like I have a 2.5" drawtube but didn't see a standard nosepiece adapter that was 2.5". Do you have a thought on an appropriate focuser? It is a William Optics 110 Zenith Star OTA.
  5. William B

    William B Cyanogen Customer

    Jan 8, 2015
    Christchurch, Dorset UK
    Hi Jim.

    Just a thought, have you looked at Precise Parts in the USA?

    I bought several bespoke telescope-to-camera adaptors from them in the past, in particular one for the original William Optics FLT110 flattener to the bolt fittings on a QSI camera.

    If you can’t find the exact match of camera to focuser/flattener adaptor in their “Build an adaptor” web page then you can contact them by email and they will work with you to find a specific solution.

    For the few far-east built OTA’s I’ve used I’ve found the compression type nose piece adaptors pretty useless at holding even very lightweight cameras securely enough that the cameras don’t droop and sag and you end up with camera tilt problems, becoming more apparent the larger the sensor diagonal size, and always at risk of the camera dropping of the telescope if the compression adaptor loosens with temperature change.

    If possible, use adaptors that fix to the screw threads or dovetail connections, much easier to maintain a tilt-free and secure connection.

  6. Jim Gianoulakis

    Jim Gianoulakis Cyanogen Customer

    Jun 19, 2015
    Thanks for the reply William. I thought about a machine shop to machine an adapter with a 2.5 " nosepiece but I completely agree with you as to the issues around a compression nosepiece. Especially since I'm 10 hours away from being able to adjust it. I currently have a QSI 683 on that focuser and at times it slips. My other setup uses rigid fittings to attach an stx-16803 to a planewave. I was hoping to come up with something similar for the refractor. I'm beginning to think that the moonlight focuser may not be up to the task of supporting the 16803 image train. I'll take a look at adapters as you suggested but I need to do the research for something heavier duty. Thanks again for the reply.


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