Recently Fixed Camera Not Working

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by Mark de Regt, Oct 11, 2024 at 2:11 AM.

  1. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014

    Much frustration here.

    After spending a whole bunch of money, and a whole bunch of time, sending my camera (STX-16803), filter wheel and AO-X in for service, I have received it back, and it seems to be malfunctioning.

    Specifically, two things are happening:

    1. When set up for "SBIG Universal" (i.e., not using the AO, so I can calibrate the guider), it tells me "Error opening camera in dual chip mode Establish Link Failed : 1." The same thing happens in Maxim 6 or Maxim 7, no matter what I try.

    2. When set up for "SBIG w/AO" for the camera, and "SBIG AO+FW" for the filter wheel (changing nothing else), it will connect (although it's a very slow process, taking about 30 seconds; the computer, as you may remember, is a very fast computer). But, when I take an image with "camera 2," it does one of two things: (i) it takes the image, shows it on screen, but also hangs, and won't do anything more (showing on the AO box that it's still exposing, forever, so I have to kill Maxim in Task Manager to get it to do anything; I have uploaded a screen shot of this happening, called "Endless.jpg"); (ii) it takes the image, which looks fine, but then downloads another "image," which is just some sort of interference pattern, and that camera reads that second, nonsense, image (I have uploaded a screen shot of this happening, called "Two.jpg"). (i) above happens in both Maxim 6 and Maxim 7. (ii) above only happens in Maxim 6; in Maxim 7, the (ii) equivalent is it takes a blank image, showing no stars when I know that there are lots of stars.

    Last night, after doing this nonsense for an hour or so, it started behaving itself (after I power-cycled the camera many times, and re-booted Maxim many times), and took images. Tonight, the guide chip simply won't take proper images.

    The good news is that I no longer have elongated stars.

    Attached Files:

  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Repairs managed by @Tim - I'll ask him to review and comment.
    Mark de Regt likes this.
  3. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Have you verified the HDMI cable for the guider is seated correctly? Are you using the original HDMI cable? Tried a different HDMI cable?

    If you try to connect to the STX with no guider connected or configured, is it still slow to connect?
  4. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    I have asked the guys at SRO to check the cables. I do not understand the suggestion to "connect to the STX with no guider connected or configured," since I thought that the guider did not have separate wires.
  5. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Are you using the STX Guider that you sent to us as "Camera 2"? It should be connected with a single HDMI cable.

    I was curious if your main camera is able to connect normally if there is no guider connected at all.
  6. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    The equipment is 800 miles away from me, and I have only seen it once (years ago); so I'm not familiar with the configuration.

    Yes, it's the STX guider you just fixed. Is the guider connected to the camera with its own HDMI cable (separate from how the camera connects to the computer)?
  7. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Yes, its typically connected with a short 1' HDMI cable from STX-16803 camera to the STX Guider. If the HDMI cable is not well seated, or its a bad cable, it could cause issues like you are seeing.
  8. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    They reseated the HDMI cable, and even wrapped it to the wire next to it, to remove any play.

    The camera connects just fine now, but the "camera 2" imaging still has issues. The error message regarding "dual chip" did not crop up, on either Maxim 6 or Maxim 7. Using "SBIG Universal" (no AO), it doesn't throw an error message, but I'm not convinced it's taking an image either, since it's daylight and the image it shows is black (even adjust the screen stretch all the way). The result with "SBIG w/AO" is still that it hangs, although it once threw the error message "error retrieving image array size."

    Is the HDMI cable something proprietary to you guys, or could we try another, known-good HDMI cable?
  9. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    You can use any good quality HDMI cable.

    (We have seen some really cheap ones that don't work - entirely missing the outer ground shield.)
  10. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    Thanks, Doug! I'll buy a good HDMI cable to replace the one that's there.


    I actually imaged successfully last night, the first time in several months! Tight round stars and all! I used Maxim 6, since I cannot get Maxim 7 to do much of anything, but Maxim 6 is working fine (except as noted below).

    The bad news is that I still can't get the guide chip to take images in "SBIG w/AO" mode; still either hangs or returns the odd combination of two images, one correct and one an interference pattern. So I imaged guiding with the mount (which worked very well).

    As noted above, I'll get a new, high quality HDMI cable to replace the one I have, since the intermittent nature of the problems indicates that the cable may be a problem.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2024 at 2:42 PM
  11. JoshuaHufford

    JoshuaHufford Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    I can attest to the fact that a cheap HDMI cable will NOT work properly.

    Also, there are tension pins in the HDMI socket that can become loose and not keep enough tension on the cable and not make a good connection. I took a very small straight screwdriver and very carefully bent these out for a much better and tighter connection.

    HDMI was a very poor choice for a connector, I know this was before DL bought SBIG, but someone should be scolded for this choice!
  12. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Yeah, it wasn't a choice I would have made. Connectors and cables are an engineering nightmare TBH.
  13. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014

    After an immense amount of time spent examining everything (while I wait for the new HDMI cable to arrive, and while I wait for the moon to go away), I seem to have the system working with Maxim 6, including the AO.

    Maxim 7 is close, but when it is starting up the AO, the AO guide box doesn't detect the guide star, even though it's a mag 7 star right in the middle of the chip (in the image on the main Maxim box). Any ideas on what I might have missed? All the settings seem to be the same for both Maxim 6 and Maxim 7.
  14. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    If I understand correctly, your guider image is essentially blank, or all black? Can you provide a guidestar image with the guider in FITS format for us to examine?
  15. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    I'm not clear what you're asking for, and/or how to do it.

    The main Maxim window shows the guide chip, with a big, bright star near the center. but the "SBIG AO control" window shows nothing. What exactly do you want me to do, and how do I do that?

  16. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    In the camera control window, you would select "Camera 2" to choose the guide camera. Then take an exposure as per usual...set exposure time, and frame type ect. Once you have the image, "File" > "Save As...". Ensure its saved as a "FITS" image, as we can't do much with JPEG images.
  17. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    Ok. I'll wait until tonight, to show what it does in real imaging time. I'll start a remote run, and (assuming it does the same thing, which may be a rash assumption given how variable things are) then save the relevant image(s).

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