Recently Fixed Camera Not Working

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by Mark de Regt, Oct 11, 2024.

  1. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    One more thing, which indicates a Maxim 7 issue instead of an ACP/Maxim issue: Taking ACP out of the system (by clicking on "Abort" on the ACP panel, and unchecking "Dispatcher Running" on the Scheduler panel) , I kept the mag 7 guide star on the guide chip, then clicked on "locate" in the SBIG AO Control panel on Maxim 7, and had exactly the same experience--at 0.02 second guide duration, Maxim 7 could not find the very bright star with the AO engaged, even though it was clearly there; at 0.07 second guide duration, Maxim 7 found the star and guided just fine with the AO.
  2. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    Thanks! It was set in Maxim 6.4 (I don't have 6.5), but not in Maxim 7. But I don't see how that could be causing Maxim not to recognize a bright guide star?
  3. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    I did not say that the bright star recognition problem is directly related; however this is still an error that must be fixed, as it impacts a bunch of calculations.

    If you have not enabled Auto Dark substraction on the guider, it is harder to separate the star from the background. So I would recommend checking if this is enabled.
    With the STX Guider, it has a dark shutter which can be used for this purpose.
    There is an approximate Signal to Noise ratio that is used to separate the star from the background noise (eg dark current, hot pixels).
    The SNR may be too low due to the bright background.
    0.02s would allow in ideal conditions 50Hz update rate (the system can't do it, the hardware can't move that fast).
    0.1s would allow 10Hz update rate in ideal conditions.
    So perhaps just bump up your exposure time.

    Calculations around star magnitude are used in some places in MaxIm, for example, in the information window.

    For it to know distances to send to the mount or timing for guide pulses, it requires parameters such as pixel size which it gets automatically from the camera, and from the optical parameters, which are not usually available automatically.

    MaxIm will log errors. For example, if you View.. Log Window, and had a look you would likely see something like this:
    02:38:31$5 Warning - Error getting guider imageError -
    Error computing arc seconds per pixel
    Focal length invalid or inaccessible

    Does that help?

    BTW the window going mostly white is a version 7 issue we're aware of and plan to fix in an upcoming release.
  4. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    Ironically, auto-dark was checked in Maxim 7, but not Maxim 6.4. Yet, Maxim 6.4 has no problem finding the star, and Maxim 7 cannot find the star.

    I will try again tonight, to see if the settings info makes any difference.

    I get about 8.7Hz on the AO with 0.01 second guide exposures; 8.3 at 0.02; 6.7 at 0.05. So, I'm guiding with the AO at much less than the "ideal" rates But I'm not ready to just have slower guiding because my Maxim 7 cannot pick out the guide star in situations in which Maxim 6 has no problem. Assuming adding site and scope data to settings doesn't change the performance, I'm suspecting something in your code in Maxim 7 isn't allowing the software to pick out the star, given that Maxim 6.4 has no problem with it.
  5. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    After a few nights of things working fine (with Maxim 6), and after waiting out the moon, I tried imaging again tonight.

    And Maxim/the AO/the camera were back to the problems (after it took dusk flats just fine). When set up to guide with the AO, Maxim hangs on "accumulating dark frames). When I changed it to take the AO out of the equation, it gave me the "error opening camera in dual chip mode" for a while. I finally power-cycled the camera, and rebooted the computer. It still woudn't operate with the AO, but it's working fine without the AO, imaging and guiding.
  6. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    This is indicative of a hardware problem, likely with the USB or the computer.
  7. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    The HDMI cable is brand new, so not likely. What "USB" are you referring to? No other cable has been changed, and yet this problem only started after getting the equipment back from repair.

    This problem is new since getting the equipment back; I'm having a hard time understanding why the computer would be to blame, and not the AO and/or the camera; the computer shows no signs of distress that I can see. Please explain.


    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
  8. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    The problem was non existent when you received the equipment back.
    It didn't magically fail.

    "Error opening camera in dual chip mode" - the camera has an STX-Guider which is plugged into the remote guide head, and is a dual chip mode camera. The same brain controls 2 eyeballs.
    So, a fault talking to the main camera is showing up.
  9. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    Please go back to the first post of this thread, and also see my later posts in the thread.

    Yes, this problem was there when I first used the equipment after it got back from repair. When I first tried to use it, it was doing these unfortunate things. After a couple of days, it worked for a bit with Maxim 6. Then probems. When it worked with Maxim 6, it still was having problems in Maxim 7; now it won't work with either.

    It seems, randomly, to work for a bit, but then (not having changed anything) it throws any or all of the same set of error messages (which error messages change from night to night). When it works, it works very well; but it rarely works.

    Tonight (not having changed anything from last night), it's not giving the "dual chip mode" error, but it won't guide with the AO--it'll locate the big, bright (mag 7) star in the middle of the guide chip, but it can't guide on it (it cannot detect it). At all. And, yes, it is well calibrated; on those rare occasions when the AO system is functioning correctly, it guides just fine.

    It is guiding just fine (not using the AO, obviously) when using "SBIG Universal," but not at all with "SBIG w/AO."

    I cannot believe that it's the computer (which is a very powerful computer and shows no other gremlins). It very much acts like a piece (or set) of hardware with an intermittent problem.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2024
  10. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    This is not getting any better by ignoring it. Sorry.

    It may be that I have a setting wrong. It may be any number of things. But the erratic way this system operates is not any fun at all--working fine for a while (an hour; a night), but inevitably doing odd things (without any setting having been changed AFAIK).

    I've given up on the AO for the time being. The issue it has now is that, randomly, for two or three images each night, it doesn't make guide corrections until the guide star is a couple of pixels off center, then just keeps the guide star a couple of pixels off center. Not surprisingly, those images end up with double-lobed stars, and are useless. I can watch it flicking right by "Moving Telescope" in a tiny fraction of a second when it's doing this; clearly, it's not correcting (when it is working correctly, "Moving Telescope" will show for a decent fraction of a second).

    Please help!

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2024
  11. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Mark, I'm at a bit of a loss on this - we're thousands of miles from your equipment, and the randomness of the failures is very hard to figure out. I was travelling for a few days with limited access to Internet.
    Is this guiding problem happening under ACP control, or MaxIm only?
  12. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    Yeah, it's perplexing and annoying!

    It happens under both. When it's happening under ACP, I sometimes stop the guiding, then re-acquire the guide star ("locate") and recommence guiding. And sometimes the problem will recur (and sometimes it won't).

    An odd thing I noticed is that at the end of an image in which it has stubbornly kept the guide star a couple of pixels off center, it will immediately correct to center the guide star when the image is done (guiding continues after the image is done). Also, it happens most of the time during the first few images of the night, and then only once or twice after that for the rest of the night. Last night, for instance, it happened on the first and third images, then only once the rest of the night (hours later).
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2024
  13. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    Reviving this thread, in the hope that perhaps this annoying problem can be solved.

    To review the bidding:

    I sent in my STX-16803, STX guider and AO-X for service. You guys did some work on all three, pronounced them ready for prime time, and sent them back.

    When I got them back, the problem I had sent them in for (oblong stars) was gone, but a new problem had appeared--the AO-X won't function right.

    I have done a whole lot of trouble-shooting. This happens with both Maxim 6 and Maxim 7, but it's worse in Maxim 7. In Maxim 6, it shows signs of life, but often isn't taking a guider image (a very bright star with S/N very high, will blink in the guider window, and show as not being there). It quite quickly will give up trying. In Maxim 7, it doesn't even show signs of life--It will take a guider image, showing a very bright star. But when it tries to start guiding, there never is a star in the window.

    If I tell it to "find," it finds the star. If I tell it to calibrate the AO, it does that successfully. But when I tell it to guide, nothing.

    The system is running very well without the AO-X, but I paid a lot of money for the AO-X (and its repair), and I would like to use it.

    The cable is the SBIG one. All cables are seated well, and (as I said) the system runs just fine when I tell it to image without the AO-X (AO-X still in the stack, but not being used).


  14. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Regarding your AO-X, the only changes we made to it were to ensure the calibration was correct. This involves ensuring it is moving correctly in all directions when commanded by software. So it seemed to be fully operational.

    Were you able to test it by removing the AO-X so you can see the AO-X window, and run the "Exercise" function on the AO window, Setup tab. That way we can ensure it is moving freely on all axis.

  15. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014

    Thanks for your response.

    I have not removed the AO, but, tonight, I did several hours of trouble-shooting, with Maxim 7, latest build. Remember, this is a system that works just fine when not engaging the AO-X.

    Please read to the end; it's long, but there's a lot of data, I think. All though this process, I had the minimum S/N set to 15.

    With a mag 7 star near the center of the guide chip, I told it to calibrate the guider (using only Maxim, not ACP). It streaked the star all four times, so it looks like a very elongated star.

    I have a video clearly showing this, but it won't upload, being a .MOV file. So I uploaded it to my space; it's here:

    I also did a video of what the AO is doing when it's supposed to be guiding. This is a very bright guide star (mag 7), near the center of the guide chip. As you can see, the S/N is very high, when it actually picks it up. Note the guide exposure of 0.02 seconds, which should be just fine (and used to be, earlier this year)

    Then I tried some things I had not tried before. I backed off the minimum guide exposure to 0.1 seconds (mag 7 guide star), and the the system seemed to work just fine (750 S/N). I tried 0.5 seconds; sometimes it worked fine, sometimes it was obviously misbehaving. It always misbehaved at 0.4 seconds.

    I would not object strongly to guiding with nothing faster than 0.1 second guide exposures, which translates to 5.6Hz on my system (even 0.01 second guide exposures translates to 8.7Hz, which is not an order of magnitude faster); it's not what the AO-X is supposed to do, but I suspect it would give much better results than guiding with the mount at one-second guide intervals (as I have been doing the last few months).

    But I was concerned that the issue is that this system is demanding a very high S/N (like 750) to work properly. So I put a mag 10 guide star near the center of the guide chip, and told it to guide with the AO (0.1 second guide exposures). It seemed to be ok (a zero S/N every few seconds, when normally the S/N was around 20; but maybe that's normal when the minimum S/N is set to 15 and the typical S/N is only about 20); it went through a three-minute exposure with reasonable guide errors for the seeing conditions, and gave me round, tight stars.

    So it seems to me that the problem is that the system isn't operating well at guide exposures faster than 0.1 seconds. But the really (potentially) good news is that maybe I can use the AO-X again.

    I hope you find this helpful in diagnosing this perplexing problem.

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2025
  16. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    I was able to watch the first video, but not able to view the second video:

    Could you try uploading it again?

    Can you show me the settings you have on your other AO Control window tabs, like Track, Drive and Setup?
  17. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    It's there; I can download it independently. It downloads into the download folder, and opens when clicked on. I don't know that uploading it again would do any good.

    As an update, I got several hours of good images (until the moon got too high) last night, using the AO with the shortest allowable guide exposure being 0.1 seconds.

    On the AO Control window--

    Track tab: Track time is 0.1 (but changes with the brightness of the guide star); Aggressiveness is 6; max move is 60 pixels; binning is 3 (imaging at .559 arcseconds/pixel)

    Drive tab: Enable X motor and Enable Y motor are checked; manual settings is not checked; Activation level is 25; bump time is 10; Calibration time is 5 seconds on both axes

    Setup tab: Manual settings is not checked; exercise speed is 200; SNR threshold is 15; X axis and Y axis are both checked; fan speed is enabled and set to auto; track box is 16x16;
    on "options," only autodark is enabled.
  18. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    Some more data....

    The AO has been working fairly well, giving good results. But it clearly has issues, and tonight, I had to disable it and guide with the mount.

    Looking carefully at the guide star in the little guide box, it quite often has gaps in the middle. No, it's not a double star. But, when the S/N is less than 250 or so, the gap will appear; also, in those circumstances, the guide star will blink out of the box regularly. When the S/N is less than 100 or so, it simply won't guide; the star disappears.

    I have uploaded two more little videos to my website. One ("Blinking.MOV") shows the blinking of the guide star, even though S/N is very high when it doesn't blink. The other ("Gap.MOV") shows the gap in the guide star in the box (and also shows the blinking, despite a high S/N). The sky was absolutely cloudless at the time.

    I hope we can make some headway on this vexing problem this week....

    Both would download to my "Downloads" folder, and play on both of my computers. But neither will download to my computer at SRO; I suspect that firewall settings that reject web addresses that aren't "https" may be an issue. If you still are having trouble downloading these files, perhaps you could send me a private message with another way to get them to you.


  19. Mark de Regt

    Mark de Regt Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 19, 2014
    We took the AO off the telescope, and exercised it. It seems to be working fine (assuming that the "time" setting results in it moving faster with the smaller numbers). There is no sign of sticking.

    What now?

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