I went out today to do some equipment checking and found that my 16803 camera would connect fine and image ok but could not get the cooler to work. Connected via USB when I turned on the cooler it would for a moment start up then shut down. I tried the ethernet connection and in this case cooler came on and the temperature started to cool then the temperature reading which usually steadily goes down to the set temperature would start jumping around wildly between +degrees and -degrees while power utilization was at 100%. I have never seen this before to say the least. Could the temperature sensor be the issue? I returned the camera a couple of years ago and had to replace the board in the camera. As I said both main and guider cameras work just fine with images coming up. If it is the sensor is it something I can purchase and install myself? Dale Mais
Assuming that's the cause, and not the analog board, replacing it would require full disassembly and reassembly of the CCD cooler stack. Best case scenario it just needs reseating the connector. I don't recommend opening the chamber. We use a clean room. If you want to return it for service, please fill out this form: http://diffractionlimited.com/request-rma
Okay, I'll try the camera once more just to be certain then start to make preparations to ship it back