AC2020bsi not initializing consistently in MaxIm DL 6 or 7

Discussion in 'Aluma AC Series CMOS' started by Gary Billings, Oct 15, 2024.

  1. Gary Billings

    Gary Billings Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 12, 2023
    Freshly rebooted Win11 computer, freshly started DL7 (7.0.3, DLAPI, camera connected via USB. Powerup camera, wait 5 sec after fans start, press Connect in Camera Control, Setup Tab. Wait a few seconds after fan speed goes to high, go to Expose Tab.

    At this point, usually Readout Mode shows what I always use (High Gain), and taking an image will occur normally and FITS header will have a READOUTM entry. But when I Disconnect, power down, wait 10 sec, and repeat the above, sometimes Readout Mode on the Expose Tab will be blank and the dropdown arrow does not bring up the usual menu of readout mode options. Pressing Expose at this point will result in a normal-looking exposure, but its FITS header will NOT contain a READOUTM entry. I have not delved in to the internals of the FITS file to see what the sample values are. See attached screen capture.

    Sometimes, instead of showing a blank Readout Mode box, the box comes up showing HDR mode, even though that is not what I last used. In such a case, the dropdown arrow functions properly and I can choose the readout mode I want (High Gain). The image then appears to be acquired normally.

    It MIGHT be the case that waiting longer before moving to the Expose tab prevents this (blank or HDR Readout Mode), but obviously there is a problem here.

    I also get this running Win7, DL6 (6.4.0, DLAPI And in one instance (just 2 days ago) this coincided with the “bad histogram” problem I’ve had with my camera (and that was SINCE my camera’s latest trip in for repair of that problem). In this case 2 days ago, the computer was not freshly rebooted before the test run, and DL6 had not been freshly restarted (since starting DL6, I had done an overnight observing run, using an ST8 and its driver) so the test was not as “clean” as what I just described with the Win11/DL7 test.
    I have not yet seen the bad histogram problem running the recently returned camera with DL7, but testing continues.

    I will attach the following:

    - a screen capture showing the Expose tab with blank Readout Mode box, the image that was just taken, and its FITS header
    - the image taken with Readout Mode blank (
    - the previous image ( taken where all had been normal Readout Mode "High Gain"

    Gary Billings

    Attached Files:

  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
  3. Gary Billings

    Gary Billings Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 12, 2023
    This still occurs in Maxim DL (LT) version 7.1.1, DLAPI, today. Windows 11 just updated to latest.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2024
  4. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Gary, I'm going to connect with colleagues on your issues today (Monday), and will get back to you.
    I think is part of the problem - it got installed with a 7.x version, and should not have been.
    Perhaps I could remote in to your machine. Would this be possible? eg is it internet accessible?
  5. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Gary, I've been working on some firmware updates for the AC2020. I have an update you might like to try; if so let me know and I'll send it over.
  6. Gary Billings

    Gary Billings Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 12, 2023
    Sure... so long as it doesn't confuse other debugging efforts.

    Regarding a different thread, but the same camera, and another problem at boot up of the camera: I'm not sure that the recent trip in for repairs was successful in stopping that "bad histogram on boot up" problem. I have seen it, just once, since the camera was returned to me. That coincided with a powerup / Connect / [go to Expose tab] that showed a blank Readout Mode box. I've been hoping to get clean startups of the software before making a pronouncement re the hardware.
  7. Gary Billings

    Gary Billings Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 12, 2023
    Yes, sure. It is internet connected. It is Win11, and I am not proficient with that OS, so I don't know if we'll run in to security blocks, but hopefully we can work through them.

    Note though: I have the same problem in 6.40 /
  8. Gary Billings

    Gary Billings Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 12, 2023
    I'm "around" this afternoon, trying to keep an eye on this page, and email. Or, if you want to pick a time for tomorrow (Tues, 19th), that works too. Pick any time after 0730 MST.
  9. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    I can't do today - too much on my plate, and am waiting on info from colleagues. It may be a couple days.
  10. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    I sent a PM with firmware to test.

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