I am trying to connect my STXL-6303 to a newer laptop running Windows 11, using MaxIm DL v6.16. I have copied the setup information from my old Win7 laptop, but it's not connecting to the filter wheel. If I pop down "No Filters," everything about the camera appears to be running correctly: cooler, guide camera, etc. But when I pop down "SBIG Universal" on port COM1, MaxIm reports an error opening the filter wheel: Error 1816164704. The attached PDF has some screen grabs, in case that's helpful. I feel like I'm really close to getting everything to work with the newer laptop, but need to get the filter wheel to communicate. Let me know what I need to do. Thanks. Tom
There is a bug in SBIG Drivers and plugins in MaxIm version 6.16 regarding handling filter wheels. It was fixed in a later version. I think this is what is happening. The bug shows up more regularly when you update the SBIG Drivers sbigudrv.dll from 4.99 built 7 to; however it was present earlier just didn't show up so much. So your options to fix this are: 1. Update to current MaxIm software 6.50 or 7.1.1 to work with current SBIG Universal Drivers sbigudrv.dll OR 2. If you were entitled to an older version (Help.. Check for Updates in MaxIm). Somewhere around 6.26?? a fix was introduced. OR 3. Quit all programs. Disconnect the camera. Remove the SBIG Drivers, Uninstall the SBIG Driver Checker, delete \Program Files (x86)\SBIG\Driver Checker 64 Reinstall the SBIG Driver Checker version 4.05; Install the drivers BUT WHEN IT ASKS TO CONNECT TO THE INTERNET, say NO, don't let it. It will then use the 4.99 Build 7 drivers that ship with the driver checker installer. There is a decent chance this will work.
Thanks, Colin. It appears that your options #1 and #2 require a subscription to upgrade rather than a one-time charge, and I don't subscribe to software on principle alone. That leaves me with option #3, which I will tackle on another day. I'll start a new thread on the other issue I am having with the camera, which doesn't have anything to do with my new Windows 11 laptop computer. Tom
Regarding Option #2, is there a way that I can get v6.26 or higher on my laptop with my license? My friend Mike Wiles has the download packages for v6.29 and v6.30. Thanks. Tom
Our software model is a permanent license; you purchase, it doesnt expire. What does expire is access to new versions/updates/bug fixes. My colleague has sent you something by email. It may resolve your issues.