SBIG recently cleaned my camera's sensor (looks great), and only since it was returned to me has it exhibited this problem. It occurs on both my old Win7 laptop and on my newer Win11 laptop. Autoguiding with the camera built into the filter wheel works fine when the main (call it 6303 hereafter) camera is not exposing, finding and tracking stars nominally. Then when I begin an exposure with the 6303 camera, it loses the guide star. It appears that the guide camera shutter may be closed when the 6303 camera shutter opens. As soon as I stop the exposure with the 6303 camera, the autoguider starts taking images again. This video shows the behavior with the Win7 laptop. I begin the 6303 exposure about halfway into the 40-second video. On my Win11 machine, it loses the star altogether. What I am used to is the hearing the mechanical shutter opening and closing on the autoguider, and then just after it settles after starting the 6303 exposure, it becomes silent, but guides fine. What is happening now is the autoguider stops functioning at the end of the period of settling. So as it stands now, the autoguider is not useable, and again, I had never seen this on the same Win7 laptop before I sent it in for the sensor cleaning. Tom
Possibly the same root cause - the old 6.16 is not compatible with newer sbigudrv.dll version We've sent you an email that may resolve this.