Having exactly the same problem - STXL-6303 with FW8G Self Guiding FW. Tripled checked configuration, all correct. Same results with version 7.1.3 AND 7.1.4
Nothing has changed software side. FW fails with TSX, and MDL. I was working with out issue on TSX, MDL 6.X, 7.1.X Hardware - the CCD and FW were just returned from DL for repair to Shutter, replacement of analog PCB. From the techs - I just checked in with our technician and they had some trouble determining the nature of the issues. However, after much trial an error, they determined that the best course of action is to replace the analog PCB
Jeff - you might have mentioned that you just received it back from a repair. Was everything powered off before the filter wheel white cable was plugged into the camera I2C Aux port? Otherwise this can damage the interface. In any case, this sounds like this is a hardware fault. My colleague @Tim will engage with you when we're back on Tuesday after the Monday holiday.
Thanks. Yes everything was powered off and installation was handled by the on site techs. who have extensive experience. I assumed this would be a software problem since it was just repaired and tested. Here are the contents of the driver debug file relevant to this At t = 3.260: Application Path Name : C:\Program Files\Diffraction Limited\MaxIm DL 7\MaxIm_DL.exe At t = 3.272: SBIGUDrv Path Name : C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SBIGUDRV.dll At t = 3.283: SBIGUDrv Version : At t = 3.295: ========================= At t = 14.702: CFW - autodetected model: 00 - CFWSEL_UNKNOWN At t = 14.759: CFWInit Results : 06 - Bad Parameter At t = 14.783: CC_CFW : end, err = 06 - Bad Parameter At t = 5.387: ------------------------- At t = 5.395: CFWCommand Params : At t = 5.403: cfwCommand : 02 - CFWC_INIT At t = 5.411: cfwModel : 06 - CFWSEL_AUTO At t = 5.419: Attached camera ID : 17 - STX At t = 6.719: CFW - autodetected model: 00 - CFWSEL_UNKNOWN At t = 6.728: CFWInit Results : 06 - Bad Parameter At t = 6.736: CC_CFW : end, err = 06 - Bad Parameter
Which problem are you referring to? I see the camera came back for cooling control issues, and an error 17 shutter error. Can you tell me exactly what is happening? When you connect with the Filter Wheel attached you receive an error 6? Can you tell me the settings you have set in MaxIm DL for the filter wheel?
Error 6 when trying to connect filter wheel. Configured as follows: Camera - SBIG Universal - connects and works with no issues in MDL 7.X MDL 6.X and TSX FW SBIG Universal, Model Standard - fails connect with MDL 7.x MDL 6.X and TSX - Error six All drivers updated to current Also tried versions Driver Debug shows At t = 5.395: CFWCommand Params : At t = 5.403: cfwCommand : 02 - CFWC_INIT At t = 5.411: cfwModel : 06 - CFWSEL_AUTO At t = 5.419: Attached camera ID : 17 - STX At t = 6.719: CFW - autodetected model: 00 - CFWSEL_UNKNOWN No issues with FW prior to return for repair.
Does the filter wheel initialize when powered on? Does it connect correctly in CCDOps? https://cdn.diffractionlimited.com/downloads/InstOps.exe
Camera yes - no issues FW - "Appears" to connect but fails under exercise Tried several configurations, same result
Does the same error occur on a different computer? Would it be possible for me to remote connect to your computer with the camera and filter wheel attached to check for a few things ? I would need to install a development version of CCDOps to do this.
Don't have another system on site to test with. Yes remote connect is possible - What software would you use? I use VNC.