Which Chip is in a ST-7XE moded to a ST-2000XM

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by Frank Fallows, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. Frank Fallows

    Frank Fallows Standard User

    Nov 30, 2015
    Hello: I purchased a SBIG camera used. The seller told me that he had originally purchased an ST7 camera and sent it back to SBIG to have it changed to a ST-2000M about 6 years ago. When they did the mod they changed the information plate on the camera to indicate that it is now a ST-200XM ( See attached Photo.) I am wondering if it is possible to check which CCD chip was installed when the camera was upgraded by the serial number on the camera. SBIG ST2000XM.jpg (Serial # 07074172). I don't know if they would change the serial number or only the model number on the camera identification plate after the mod. Wanting to know if the chip is a KAI-2000XM, a KAI-2001XM or a KAI-2020M.
  2. Bill

    Bill SBIG Service and Repairs Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2014

    The serial number would have stayed the same and only the Model # would have changed. At the time that this camera was manufactured, the 2020M was being used in the ST-2000XM so it would be very likely that that is what is in there. Send me an email at bill@sbig.com and I'll look it up in the database when I get back to my office tomorrow.

  3. Frank Fallows

    Frank Fallows Standard User

    Nov 30, 2015
    Thank you for your prompt response to my question. I have sent you an email as requested. Thanks again.
  4. Tim Puckett

    Tim Puckett Guest


    Frank called me as well.
    Since you probably did the upgrade you will have the best info.

  5. Frank Fallows

    Frank Fallows Standard User

    Nov 30, 2015
    Bill: Thanks for looking up the serial number and confirming that the CCD installed in the modification is the KAI-2020M. I am very impressed with prompt response and the level of customer service provided for the owner of a previously enjoyed second hand product.
  6. Frank Fallows

    Frank Fallows Standard User

    Nov 30, 2015
    Hello Bill. It has been a long time since this post and I have since lost the email you sent me regarding the upgrade modification on this camera to the KAI-2020M sensor. I am reselling this camera and was wondering if you could email me again with confirmation of this upgrade for proof for my buyer. Thanks Frank Fallows
  7. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Frank,
    Bill retired a few years ago.
    The original sensor in the ST-7 camera was a KAF-402 - it is a lot smaller than the KAI-2020M sensor that was installed in it by Bill.
    I don't have access to records from way back when this was done.

    The buyer should be satisfied with a test image or screen shot from CCDOps camera info, or a photo of the sensor.
    The old chip was 6.91 x 4.6 (8.3mm diagonal). 768 x 512
    The new chip is 11.84 x 8.88 (14.8mm diagonal). 1600 x 1200
  8. Frank Fallows

    Frank Fallows Standard User

    Nov 30, 2015
    Thanks for the reply. I was not aware Bill had retired. I emailed him and he got back to me also. Thanks for the info. Although this camera is quite old it is still a wonderful instrument. A testament of the quality of your products.

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