Hi I have an Aluma CCD77-00 and am about to develop the control software for it and would prefer the SDK for the Python scripting over Maxim. Could I get a copy of it? Thanks Ashley
Sorry for the delay. The gentleman who wrote the SDK is no longer with the company so I've been trying to update it to the most recent version and get a distribution ready for you between other tickets. I hope to have it ready shortly.
If the Aluma (or any camera) has an ASCOM driver, you could talk to it via Alpaca using the Python Alpyca package https://ascom-standards.org/alpyca/. I don’t want to pollute this thread with details, so if you’re interested say so.
Thanks Bob, maybe I'm missing something, but I pip installed Alpyca and the documentation doesn't match my install in terms of class structure and listed functions. If you have details or example code, I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks.
In my post above I linked to the documentation which you must have since you knew how to install it. In that documentation is Introduction and Quick Start, and in that section is a Simple Example. Did you try this? Does it work? If not, then I am unsure what to say and I may need to remote in and see what you're looking a. If you are looking at the documentation, then the class structure and listed functions are under ASCOM Alpaca Device Classes. The listed "functions" (actually object/class properties and methods) are under each device class. The dashed arrow points to the Master Documentation page for the property or method (in this case the Rotator.Move() method). Also in the introduction are links to general information on Alpaca and ASCOM in general. I hope this helps.
Once you get going with Python, use ASCOM Remote to provide an Alpaca connection to the ASCOM Camera driver. Again if you need more help on this, ask.