STF-8300M error code...

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by Khushrow Machhi, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. Khushrow Machhi

    Khushrow Machhi Standard User

    Jul 14, 2015
    I have just upgraded from an ST-8300 to an STF-8300F. I did the driver check utility and update the drivers. In device manager I do see the camera under the USB tab.

    I am able to control the camera through SkyX professional. I can set the exposure time and take a photo and I observe the shutter open and shut after the correct time. However after the exposure is taken the following error comes up SBIG driver: Receive timeout. Error=30008.

    I also tried this with CCDSoft and get the same error, but the Error code is 1008 (0x3f0).

    How do I get around this issue?

  2. Jan Soldan

    Jan Soldan Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Czech Republic
    this is RX timeout error, just subtract 30000 or 1000 and you will get error code 8. See How To about err. codes.
  3. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Error code 8 indicates USB interface issues (transmit timeout). Often these are caused by problems with USB hardware including: cables, hubs, root hubs (the port on the computer).

    If you are using a USB hub please try bypassing it. Try using just the cable that came with the camera; if that doesn't help please try a different one. Try plugging it into a different port on the computer. Maybe even try a different computer if one is available.

    Hopefully the above will help you narrow down the problem. Let us know how you make out, and if you still have trouble we can investigate further.
  4. Khushrow Machhi

    Khushrow Machhi Standard User

    Jul 14, 2015
    I tried a different USB port on the same laptop and it works. Why will it not work on any of the USB ports? I tried a different computer and it works fine on any of the ports. Is there a way to resolve this so that I can use any USB port on my laptop.

    Thanks, Khushrow
  5. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Possibly the one port has a circuit board layout issue. The internal wiring really is very critical to signal integrity. If there is an impedance mismatch it will not work well.
  6. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    You might try the Microsoft USBView utility to check out the ports and speeds and connections. You may find some ports on the laptop are on an internal hub, and some go direct to the usb chip. You will also find out what speed the ports run at. You can optimize all your USB operation by putting same-speed devices on same part of hubs etc. eg don't mix and match things like internal webcam, internal mouse/trackpad, and external ccd camera on same bus, as you will have different bus speeds.
  7. Katherine

    Katherine Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Dear Krushrow,

    Do you get the same error if you take a very short exposure (or with mirror flaps still closed) to ensure that the detector of the CCD has definitely not got any saturated pixels on it? Message #5 of this thread describes our journey with an error resembling the one you describe which we saw on several STF-8300 cameras but not on any ST-8300 models, nor on 8300-detector cameras made by Atik or FLI.

    Best wishes,,

    Kirk likes this.
  8. Kirk

    Kirk Standard User

    Dec 8, 2015
    Wow! I am experiencing this exact issue. I recently upgraded to an STF8300 from an ST8300 and on the first night started getting the timeout errors that Kathrine describes here and in the linked thread from earlier in the year. I too use the StarTech 7 port industrial hub. A direct connection to my Lenovo T420 will no incur the issue, but going through the hub will, but not always right away. I am sure that everyone can agree that it is not fun to loose a 30 minute sub to this time out error. I actually went out and bought an additional StarTech 7 port hub..but even when the STF8300 has the hub all to itself, the timeout errors eventually happen. Note that I have the latest firmware and drivers loaded as well. My work around is a direct USB connection, but I really should not have to do that, should I? It is inconvenient and leaves me exposed to a cable snag.
    It seems there are more than a couple of users experiencing this issue. Isn't there anything SBIG can do?

  9. Miguel Garcia

    Miguel Garcia Standard User

    Jul 3, 2015
    I reported this same error on my STF-8300 a few weeks back...received the same reply about being a problem on the USB ports, cables, use of hubs, etc. Happy to see other users experiencing the same "Rx timeout"...perhaps now we may get some attention. A bug in the latest SBIG driver released in November?

    I too get the Rx timeout error specially during focusing sequences, as the camera hangs, the entire sequence fails.
  10. Kirk

    Kirk Standard User

    Dec 8, 2015
    Hi Miguel,
    I think this issue has been around much longer than just this past November. I see posts regarding it going back to October 2014. It is frustrating for me as I really need to use a USB hub for my setup, so I bought what I thought was a industrial strength hub, but it seems that will not help. For now I have one 15 foot dedicated USB cable going directly to the STF8300M from the laptop. All of my other gear goes through a StarTech ST7200USBM USB Hub without issue. Last I heard on the issue was that SBIG feels that the STF8300M should be directly connected to the laptop with as short a USB cable as possible. That does not fit the way I want to operate in my observatory. I am looking at a larger chipped camera and had been considering an SBIG, but now I am not so sure. Best of luck to you in your imaging endeavors!
  11. Miguel Garcia

    Miguel Garcia Standard User

    Jul 3, 2015
    Kirk thanks, I don't think it is related at all to the use of hubs, as I don't use a hub but a straight 6ft high speed/quality branded USB cable directly connected to the computer USB port ( tried all three of them).

    Same sporadic Rx timeout errors in the middle of a sequence.
  12. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Can I get an SBIGUDrv log capturing an error from everyone experiencing this issue? I'd like to investigate possible causes, but I need to see when the cameras are failing to determine whether they have the same root cause.
  13. Miguel Garcia

    Miguel Garcia Standard User

    Jul 3, 2015
    Adam, THANKS for the reply. Do you mean using the "debug log" option in SbigDriver checker?...when I tried this the capture/download times became very slow ...I just had to cancel the capture. The issue usually occurs when doing fast frame/focus captures...
  14. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Yes, that's what I meant, and slow download times are to be expected when collecting logs — we don't advise collecting logs during regular use, but they're vital to diagnosing any issues you may be experiencing.

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