It is known, user may update firmware inside EEPROM of his ST-i, STF, STT and STX/L camera using SBIGDriverChecker64 application, but please note,...
Dan, your fimrware versions are all right, please do not change them to the higher versions (GA 2.17 or 2.18). Yes, we know about this error 8...
Robert, I think, you should use the latest SBIG driver which supports the LPT cameras. Its version is: 3r11, build 4 and can be downloaded from:...
Dan, I have the same camera running on Win 8.1, but do not see blank images at all. There has to be something bad in your setup if you see so much...
Dan, This is an RX timeout error, when the driver waits for some data from your camera, usually during image transfer. Can you establish link to...
Bill, you are right, but for STF fan is always ON by harware solution. Jan
Exactly, just do not buy cable with Micro USB connector, but Mini as Chris mentioned above. Also, if your new cable is longer than say 1.5 m, you...
As far as I know, we have no software development kit for Mac, you should download and install Mac driver ie. SBIGDriverInstallerUniv.dmg file,...
You can download Windows & Linux development kits from: Regards, Jan
Thorsten, now, I understand the point. I never supposed to use this user-space driver on Mac OSX, because we use native USB support there and not...
I think, you can use: 1) make which uses makefile by default 2) make -f Makefile if the is its default place /usr/local/lib or in...
Jim, all source files come from Windows driver, hence different end of line styles. I can/will update Makefile with your one, no problem,...
Dave, Diffraction Limited will continue to support Mac OSX, of course. Regards, Jan
Martin, if I understand you well, you used two setups without Rx/Tx timeout errors: 1a) Regular guiding through the FW8G with the following...
Martin, thank you for this valuable information, I will check today, if there is something specific in communication with AO unit. Regards, Jan
Richard, could you also send those images in sbig file format to Alan Holmes and ask him for his opinion ? His email is : Regards, Jan
Jim, here is a new DiffractionLimitedForum DropBox directory which contains the latest SBIG Linux/ARM stuff:...
Jim, I have seen this name problem, but forgot to fix it...I think some string has to be set to zero. Also, I will merge your makefile with that...
Chris, we will probably have to update firmware and/or driver to finally get rid of this random bug. Regards, Jan
Jim, here is the latest linux/arm delivery: Inside the libs...
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