If the Aluma (or any camera) has an ASCOM driver, you could talk to it via Alpaca using the Python Alpyca package...
The same thing you would connect Telescope to. If the mount has an executable type driver (most now do), or an Alpaca controller (there is already...
The reason for ASCOM Direct instead of Telescope is to prevent MaxIm from trying to control GEM flip guiding polarities and jamming ACP’s...
How do you know it’s not bumping? Are you watching MaxIm to see the tip-tilt hit the limit and then stay for a while (multiple cycles)? Limiting...
We had to block Chinese IP addresses on the ASCOM Platform download site. The intellectual property mining and hacking traffic was insane. The...
Correct. Dithering shoves the guide star across the full guide field by the amount you have set to dither. At this point it’s likely the tip-tilt...
I’m on an iPad with limited resources (at the SAS conference). I can interpret a log such that you can spot the patterns. For NGC 5033...
I responded to John on our support system, and didn’t see this. Now I get that the exposure time being set via the API is getting munged somehow....
What app do you want to support AO? My own app ACP supports SBIG and Starlight Xpress AO units through MaxIm’s excellent scripting API.
Mark — Please work this on the ACP forum since ACP takes responsibility for guiding including flip management. MaxIm’s flip stuff is supposed to...
I should mention that one of our customers experimented over time and discovered that being able to adjust the mean background ADU for flats on a...
If this is useful, I just posted an update to ACP’s flat fielding script. It allows you to set Target ADU values per-filter. Eric you can look at...
Colin — You are amazing. I hope the people here understand appreciate what you do.
This nice video shows some of why CMOS sensor tech shouldn’t be treated the same as CCD. I can’t recall to whom I’ve already passed this along....
And the names in the list are the names (exactly) that you use with ACP.
If this is the ACP issue we’re working, then it is ACP that is setting the exposure length based on the star brightness and the minimum SNR...
If this is a system provided by a University etc. it’s possible that it is locked down to a degree that the MaxIm developers didn’t anticipate.
Mark run an engineering test. Do 10 known non-variable targets over the sky with different check stars, 20 if you have a GEM so you have to flip....
I should mention that DIffraction has in the works a new Boltwood Cloud Sensor that speaks Alpaca SafetyMonitor and ObservingConditions. No more...
Separate names with a comma.