Hi Colin, In testing I was not able to produce the issue outside of ACP. Using the autosave feature of MaxIM DL produces 3 identical results. An...
Hi Colin, see attached screenshot for driver details. The 'first image' issue occurs regardless of filter selection and exposure length. The...
Attached are the first two images in a sequence of several images, RAW, Bin 1. In all testing, the 1st image in a sequence appears to show...
Colin, I may have spoken too soon. I am seeing the banding issue again, in the first images of some sequences. The effect does not seem as bad as...
Hi Colin - apologies. ROModeInfo.txt required "High Gain" not just "High". My bad. Yes, the problem appears to have gone away. The first images...
Thanks Colin, Settings / Site and Optics is fine, in fact the UT Computer Time dialog is ticking over at the correct time. I'm not sure why...
We're seeing a strange phenomenon, where the first image in a sequence will show extreme noise and horizontal banding, but subsequent images are...
Further update. Latest install procedure and we have 6.27 working with drivers 4.99. The idiosyncrasy has to do with the presence of STX-16803...
Further info that might help. On the PC that the camera successfully connects, the SB Univeral setup screen in MaxIM DL includes a "16803" option....
Can you please clarify the state of this? In order for us to operate an STX 16803 + FW7 do we need both MaxIM DL 6.14 and the 4.99 driver package?...
Hi Colin, This is not resolved for us. I upgraded to MaxIM DL 6.27 yesterday and have spent the last day rebuilding a Win 10 machine and...
This could be Windows 10 or MaxIM version related. I've been unable to connect the camera on a brand new Win10 build with latest versions of...
We get an 'error connecting to filter wheel' message when trying to connect our STX+FW7 using the latest SBIG Driver Checker update. The offending...
I had thought to use 15A cable, "de-stranded" evenly across each of the 3 pins for +ve and -ve respectively. Is the potential 10A load on each...
I'm looking to make a custom power cable for an STX to attach to a RigRunner (via PowerPole connectors). Am I right in that Pins 1,5,6 go to the...
We've acquired an STX / FW7 / AOX package and need a couple of questions answered. The AOX appears to be missing the 9 pin serial cable and also...
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