OK, thanks. I'll look for those instructions.
I tried with Maxim DL. Same result.
It has been quite some time since I've needed to recharge the desiccant plug.
I updated the drivers and the firmware, but the problem persists. What next?
The shutter is opening and closing properly and completely. I'll check for the IR glow and get back to you about that.
Responding to Colin: Camera serial # is X13010174 FW # is X517050001 I don't think it has anything to do with the filter wheel or filters....
Responding to Doug's suggestions: With camera wrapped and a tube & paper to provide diffuse light, the pattern was still there. I think that...
Here's a dark frame.
Here's the FITS version.
I've attached an image taken without any optics but with a sheet of paper to diffuse the light. The same narrow diagonal of light is at the top....
For the ones that I posted here, no optics at all. For the imaging that I was doing when I noticed this, I had the camera on a Takahashi FSQ 106-N.
For this last one I just had it pointed at the ceiling. Maybe that wasn't as flat as I thought. The first one was pointed at the twilight sky. I...
I took the filter wheel off and tried again, just to eliminate the FW as a possible source. It looks the same to me. I've attached another image...
That's what I thought at first too. So I took the camera off the scope, had the filter wheel change filters a few times, took a few images and...
Recently my camera has developed an odd defect along the top -- a very thin triangle extending across the top of the chip. It is visible on light...
I'm trying to move everything to a newer laptop after several years of success on the old one. I've got the MaximDL 6 (6.1) program installed,...
I know that the guider will stop while the main camera downloads. I've been working with that setup for several years. What is happening now is...
Hi again. I followed the instructions to revert to SBIG driver 4.99 Build 7. That seemed to clear up the problem with the STL 11000's. I've got a...
Hi Colin, I'll have to work on the Maxim. I'll need to renew my purchase to update at this point (6.14). I ran the SBID Driver Checker. It...
I have an STL-11000 that I've used with reasonable success for several years. I've had to step away from astronomy for a couple of years, and now...
Separate names with a comma.