I think it's best for you to fill in the RMA form. My colleague @Tim may have some advice or questions.
I'm confused. The screen shot of the Device Manager is clearly showing the 814, and not showing the SC. The screen shot of the DL Config screen...
One more request - can you provide the sequence? eg how many exposures, what type, binning, filter, exposure length e.g. if ACP, then can you give...
Thanks. We'll look into this. Can you check the properties on this file and let me know the version (e.g. C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dlapi.dll
Hi DJ, I'll drop you an email - we'll need your shipping address and that sort of thing. We had a couple of customers that missed ordering a...
Thanks for the info. Let us know how the tests go on the other computer. Likely it will need to come in for a repair. If it does, then you'll need...
Keep us informed. Is ACP using a different mode for pointing images? We'll want to see FITS (raw, uncalibrated, 1x1, light frames) - you'll need...
I'm relieved! Thanks for sharing the ROModeInfo.txt solution - my recollection on that was foggy. This will help next time someone else runs into...
BTW has the original problem reported gone away?
I'm not sure. Have you got the EXACT correct text value for the readout mode? Is there some # directive that needs to be in your plan?
I suggest you reach out to ATIK for support on the QSI. I've never seen that one before. Did you install the QSI Core software from Atik?...
I'll ask my colleague @Tim to assist you.
From our records, it looks like you have a license for the newest software. I recommend you use it. I'll send you a private message with details.
What's the focal length of the scope, and what binning are you using ? (I assume you are using an SC-4 not an SG-4). There is a new advanced...
Hi Charles, Has anything changed in your setup? e.g. changed the equipment, updated the computer, anything like that? Power surges? Lightning...
A couple of thoughts: I suspect you have a software/driver version mismatch. Current software is: MaxIm DL Pro 6.50 and DL API or newer -...
Please fill in this Return Merchandise Authorization form: https://diffractionlimited.com/request-rma/ Then my colleague @Tim will contact you...
It sounds like you're missing a cable. I'll look into that right away.
Flipped, USOC telephone standard wiring.
You may have to ask Software Bisque for help with their software. Normally, Camera = SBIG, and you select the STX from there. Filter Wheel would...
Separate names with a comma.