Sorry for the delay. The gentleman who wrote the SDK is no longer with the company so I've been trying to update it to the most recent version and...
Hi Ashley, Is the intent to run your script on Windows?
Upon further review, it looks like your Filter Wheel is reporting that it only has 9 slots, which is likely a hardware issue. If you want to send...
Thanks for the logs! I think this gives me everything I need to close out this ticket. I've got to do a little bit of work on the USB-FW driver to...
I've been working remotely because I came down with COVID, but I just took these pictures with your camera and the latest DLAPI: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Will do!
Hi Greg, can you try this pre-release version of DLAPI with MaxIm 7 for me and see if the issue is still happening? Just drop the contents of the...
FYI: I've had a look at the code, and reporting back a filter range from 1 to 0 is consistent with a failure to initialize the wheel (either due...
I just made a small VB script to test guider exposures using a simulator connected to the "SBIG w/ AO" plugin, and can confirm the following...
Hi there! You can grab the latest betas from the links below (install the first one, the 32-bit drivers, for support with MaxIm DL 6). Presuming...
I've got a potential fix in validation. Do you need this in 32-bit or 64-bit?
Hi Martin. This is a glitch in the setup dialog. To work around this until we can issue a fix, re-select the SC4 in the Cameras dropdown list....
I've recently learned that this happens because the filter wheel fails to report a valid model ID. I'm going to send you some instructions in a...
2.1 is the latest version of DLAPI we've ported over to Linux. We have an update in the pipeline, but they're queued behind other critical tasks....
It is! Your license allows for installation on two PCs, so long as you don't run the program simultaneously on both PCs. Many users have an...
Hi Rohan, We don't have a Linux version of the USB-FW driver on our roadmap at the moment, so we don't have anything to update here. Regarding...
We haven't had any luck finding the root cause yet. The engineer who wrote that code left the company, so we've been fighting several up-hill...
It was! You can grab it from the Downloads section of the AC4040 product page, or from this link:...
Some people have had trouble with Windows Update not installing their camera's system drivers automatically. Cameras with improperly installed...
Hi John, I had a chat with the production team about the tools they use to program the board before the FPGA's been flashed, and it won't be...
Separate names with a comma.