Thanks! Tim
M106 captured early in the object's position. This is a stack of four at 240s for each RGB channel. Gear: STC-7 main camera...
Those nice of excellent seeing are burned into one's memory. Thanks // Tim
Attached is an image of M42 using a STC-7 and SC-2 on guider, 229mm refractor f/9 on a Parallax mount. R: 7 x 60s G: 10 x 60s B: 10 x 60s...
363027 is a larger than normal (2000 foot) NEO zooming within 0.02AU to Earth. October 12'th is the closest approach. Here are two images taken 60...
A YouTube channel "ServeTheHome" has interesting reviews of small PCs and switches for 10GbE. One could go full out and setup 10Gb with WiFi-7...
Imaged m27 with STC-7, tmb229 (f/9). Stacked 15 R-G-B frames each of 5 minutes. This portion of SW USA is starting to fill with smoke, so image...
Thanks for the complements and the likes. The encouragement helps. Here is a pic of the scope from several years ago. The I*Star 'guide scope'...
M16 captured with an STC-7 + SC2 and a TMB 229 - f/9 on a Parallax mount. Approximately 100 minutes each channel RGB at 5':15" per exposure....
Thanks for the heads up... Nice image of this incredible sunspot. Attached is a shot from a smartphone looking into a 12mm Edmund Scientific...
Confirming - The STL-11000M and filter wheel can attach to Nina (3.1) as a SBIG Legacy device. PHD2 also works with the...
The Corona image and Doug's image are exceptional. I took this image from SW UT-USA with 80mm scope, Herschel wedge and smartphone.
All good! Thanks to you and 'M'; sorry for the bother.
The CC was charged the double amount, so I cannot correct this.
Not sure how I missed the cart had two license in place instead of one. Can you please correct this to only ONE renewal. tu // Tim
If one searches "RTV without acid" there are products that do not release acetic acid fumes as they cure. For use around optics / electronics one...
A bit early in the AP season for M51..... Here is a trial image just to check the FoV. Taken with STC-7 and SC2 guiding. Guiding was within...
Thanks Doug
Following Mike's lead on an excellent image/target of the Silver Sliver. This version taken with an STC-7 and SC-2 guider with a f/9 refractor at...
Thanks Doug. The scope is doing well. Making a color mosaic would be an interesting but time-consuming project. Here's m27, taken late in the...
Separate names with a comma.