A few images captured recently via an STC-7

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by Tim Povlick, Oct 31, 2021.

  1. Tim Povlick

    Tim Povlick Cyanogen Customer

    May 8, 2020
    Kayenta Utah, USA
    Four images captured over the past weeks using an STC-7, StarChaser 2, AP 900 mount and an AP R-H 305mm fl at f/3.6.

    M27 was captured a bit late in the year but is a nice object none the less.
    M31 - Four panel mosaic. The art of joining the panels escapes me (both in MaxDL and Pi). One can detect it's an obvious mosaic but improving from previous attempts (can't imagine making a 4 or 8 panel RGB mosaic)
    M33 A decent start; has a great image scale for the scope + STC-7
    M42 + Running Man- A simple 4 panel mosaic with 60s exposure. The 'join' needs refinement.

    There is strange artifacts in the top left portion that must be in a flat or dark and is being researched.

    Attached Files:

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