Taken last night, mosaic of the Rosette Nebula. Conditions: Temp: -2.4°C and clear and calm winds Camera: STC-7 cooled to -30°C Filter: h-alpha Two frames, best of 6, for each mosaic panel of two. Processed in Maxim with a final touch up in PS. _..-- TiM
Same object with a lot more data collected. This is the first-time collecting image on both sides of the meridian and Maxim stacked E-W sides perfectly as well as making the two-panel mosaic. Each one being a stack of 40 images. Question: The exposure times are 300, 480 and 600 seconds. These were "average" stacked together in one group, is this a reasonable approach?
That's a gorgeous shot! When using different exposure lengths, only Sum or Average will work correctly. So yes, that is a reasonable approach.
Thanks Colin and Doug. This image was enhanced in PS with a multi-scale contrast taht highlight the details and then luminance noise reduced w/o to much harm to the details. Required about 90 minutes of CPU time.
Here's a color version using 480 & 300 second exposures in High Mode readout. Conditions over the two nights were mediocre (seeing and transparency). Captured and processed in Maxim including the mosaic task (2 panels). Some touchups in PS and an sRGB profile embedded.