AC 4040 readout modes

Discussion in 'Aluma AC Series CMOS' started by mike shade, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    Finally have the new observatory up and running sort of in New Mexico. Got the 4040 camera a bit ago, never got it quite up and running. Am now trying to do so. I have Maxim 6.28, the latest version of Focusmax 5. What are the different readout modes on this camera? I know in HDR mode, there are what seems to be two images, one above the other. Is this normal? It looks like FM likes this mode, not sure why. Also are there newer drivers than what I had a year or so ago? Windows 7 system. Thanks,

  2. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    So I have finally got the observatory more or less complete in very rural New Mexico. Have the 4040 up and running finally. Win 7 system, Maxim 6.28, and the newest Focusmax V5. Have had the camera awhile, never got it quite working in AZ. I have a question about the readout modes for this camera, I can find no reference on it. Also, in HDR, there are what look like two images on top of each other, is this normal? Lastly, as this is the first go with this camera in perhaps a year, any new drivers or such that need to be updated with it?

    Thanks, like starting over.
  3. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    You might want to review the user manual; it explains the readout modes in detail. It's on the memory stick that came with the camera, or you can download the latest version at:

    Click the Downloads tab for the user manual, and the latest driver and firmware updates (highly recommended).
  4. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    Yes, thanks. As I mentioned like starting over. Did review the materials, this camera is nothing like the STL6303E. A few more questions: There was somewhere mentioned a plugin or something for Maxim to do HDR merge, I don't seem to be able to find anything on that, or how to do it. Am I missing something? Also for high stack pro. And what do folks use for readout modes? Working with a 17" scope in a Bortle 1 sky, did some test 5 minute exposures, everything was blown out. Anything would be helpful. Thank you again,
  5. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Yes CMOS technology is very different from the trusty old CCDs.

    I wrote a MaxIm DL Pro plug-in for doing HDR merge. It is available at

    You have to calibrate the merge tool first using HDR images that have sufficient pixels that are in the linear range of both the High Gain and Low Gain halves of the image. It can be a flat or an actual sky image if there are enough pixels in the correct range. The tool uses the Dark Pixels (overscan) to calibrate the crossover point, and the difference in scaling between the HG and LG arrays to calculate the necessary scaling factor.

    That said... personally I don't use it! The sequence of steps required to make a clean calibrated image is tiresome. In order to properly calibrate the image, the sequence of operations is like this:
    • Take flat-fields in HG mode.
    • Take flat-darks in HG mode.
    • Use Set Calibrate to generate master flats.
    • Take your light frames in HDR mode.
    • Take matching dark frames in HDR mode.
    • Dark subtract the raw HDR images.
    • Perform the HDR Merge algorithm.
    • Apply the previously-acquired HG mode flats to the merged images.
    • Stack
    What I do - and the vast majority of our customers do - is use the High Gain StackPro mode instead. When you do this, the processing flow is identical to what you are used to. The only penalty is modestly higher read noise, but CMOS read noise is so low it's still less than comparable CCD sensors!
  6. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    A question about high gain do you use it? What I mean is, is it like a CCD camera, shoot X minutes, or is there some special procedure? Any special settings? And area exposure time similar? The previous observatory in AZ had a pretty good sky and I did 10 minutes exposures with the STL6303E through a 17" telescope. Same scope, but a very dark sky (Bortle 1). I ask these questions as I'm not wanting to reinvent the wheel, I'm sure others have had similar questions. Thank you,
  7. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Mike - I'm late to this thread, but have a couple comments.
    You might want to get current on everything.
    Check that you have the latest firmware, DL Imaging Drivers, and MaxIm is up to 6.30 now. It's best to upgrade as a set.

    DL Config and DL Imaging Drivers:


    Launch MaxIm, and do Help... Check for Updates.
    It will take you to a webpage with a link for the latest you are entitled to.

    High Gain StackPro is pretty easy.
    Camera Control Window - Expose Tab.
    Change the Readout Mode = High Gain Stack Pro.
    Similar to this (different SBIG CMOS camera, same idea):

    Click the [>] and select Camera Settings
    It will bring up the configuration screen, and you'll need to hit the [Settings] button for your camera. (Mine's an STC-7 in this example):
    I usually leave it at 15s.

    Then when you do your exposure (eg 4minutes = 240 seconds) it will automatically shoot 16 x 15s at 12-bit = 240s at 16-bit. So it will give you a 16-bit image.
  8. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    Hello Colin. So I set the exposures like 15s, as above. This will set this for High Gain Stack Pro, if it is selected as the readout mode, right? My confusion is with setting the "overall" exposure. So if I set a say 600" exposure, it will shoot 40 fifteen second exposures and automatically combine them into one aggregate 10 minute exposure? And would I shoot darks for the 10 minute exposure? Is there any limit to exposure time? As I have offered I have a 17" scope in a very dark sky (SQM readings have been 21.89). Lastly, is this done in the camera or the computer, the combination of images? The observatory computer is not the quickest and is W7. Thanks, Mike
  9. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
  10. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    So I tried updating the firmware. Open DL config...downloaded the latest Aluma firmware version (26). I go to choose file...I go to the downloaded file, which is on the hard drive, click open...and nothing...powered camera still says firmware V5. I have tried this about 5 times now. DL config says version 2.4. In the firmware window it says-can't see all of it "ware/and get the correct firmware version for your camera". This is after I try the update.
  11. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    There are two different DL config programs or whatever it is. I had to use the one accessed through Maxim, so it did finally work. I have been out of this a long time. What happens when you disassemble a working observatory and have things in boxes for over a year...
  12. Bob Denny

    Bob Denny Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 12, 2014
    DC-3 Dreams, SP, Mesa, Arizona +1 480 396 9700
    And the names in the list are the names (exactly) that you use with ACP.
  13. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    Thanks Bob, not quite sure what the above references "And the names in the list are the names (exactly) that you use with ACP." Is this the names of the filters or...?
  14. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    He means that the Filter names must be the same in all applications and in the same slots.
  15. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    Thank you Colin. I thought that was it, and they are the same BTW.

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